Thursday, October 30, 2008

Menstration sucks!

Well I didn't lose much weight this week thanks to that fun womanly time. But honestly, I didn't think I'd lose any at all. I'm down 0.8 lbs so I've officially lost 12 lbs. I have felt so much better lately....the only thing holding back my overall energy is my poor sleeping habits. I have the hardest time falling asleep at night. I still watch tv and I know I shouldn't but I don't like lying in bed with silence surrounding me. Using a radio doesn't really help much but maybe I can get used to it. On top of that, I've been having really vivid, realistic dreams that trouble me. The dreams involve my deceased fiance and I usually wake up more than once during the night from them. I don't have them every night but it's given me a lot to think about. I usually don't have issues with this until December (closer to the date of his death). I think the wedding I had this month triggered me to start thinking about him and all that jazz.

I've decided that I really need to work on my mid-section. I can tell I'm thinning out all over my body...primarily my face so far. I'm really going to need to work on my abdomen if I want to lose more circumference. However, I hate doing sit-ups. I've never enjoyed them. I really hate how I feel during them and after since I get very sore. I do realize that I'd not feel so bad if I continued with them on a regular basis but I just can't get past the first initial tries. Here are some new goals for this week:

1) I will be in bed at midnight. The tv will be off and I will not use my laptop in bed.

2) I will continue to journal my food intake each day since I've fallen off the wagon.

3) I will exercise 2-3 times a week and include abdominal workouts.

Happy Halloween to everyone. I'm looking forward to partaking in some holiday treats and am actually looking foward to the challenge of controlling myself around all the candy. Bring it on candy bowl!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I think you spelled menstration wrong, I think there's a "u" in there somewhere. Sorry, English Major, I am. The middle portion of my body is my main concern too. I believe my best feature to be my legs but they are looking a tad flabby too but my middle needs the most work. I feel like running would solve that and the leg-fat problem. My face has always been chubby and that sucks, it's the only reason I don't like getting my picture taken. Grrrrr. It's treat day at work and I'm sick of sugar-filled stuff. I am craving real food, so that should be a good thing. I haven't weighed myself latey - kind've scared but I should soon. Tomorrow and Monday will be a lot of time sitting in the car so I am going to try keep my snacking as minimal as I can. Other than that have a good weekend ladies!