Friday, October 17, 2008

What a week...

So, this week was one of those weeks and I must say that I am so thrilled that it's over. I cannot wait for the next few hours to pass...mainly because my sisters will be here then and we get to hang out for the next 3 days! Having said this I should warn that I will probably not be very active until after Tuesday...I'm sure you will be kind enough to excuse my absence.

So, I am continuing to lose weight slowly but steadily. I stepped on the scale this morning and was at 307.0! I keep getting closer and closer. I need to get myself out of the habit of weighing so often but I think until I get under 300 I will be tempted to keep stepping on the scale. In the past, I would easily become discouraged by weighing too frequently because of normal, daily up and down fluctuations. However, so far I have only gone down! I am quickly approaching 20 pounds and I cannot tell you how excited I am for that milestone! I am crazy tired so I won't prattle on any longer but I will be back on Wed and have a nice long post full of insight and answers to questions! Have a great weekend ladies and stay strong and determined!!!

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