Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A little bit older and maybe even a bit wiser...

Hello ladies! Now that all of the birthday festivities are over and my sister's have headed home to merry state of Iowa I can give some attention to everyday things. My birthday weekend was amazing, the weather was fantastic and I had so much fun hanging out with my sisters. Before they arrived I was very worried that I would be doing a lot of over eating. Not only was it a birthday weekend (which means cake of course) I knew that we had some plans to eat out. Now that it's over, I will honestly say that I don't think I did too badly at all. I know that I ate a bit more than I otherwise would have but I also did a lot more physical activity while the girls were here. On Saturday we went to a corn maze and spent a few hours wandering around a cornfield (and it wasn't jus walking straight rows...there were lots of hills to tackle). Then we did some shopping which resulted in more walking. Sunday we spent 3 hours wandering around the botanical garden's and arboretum and them spent the afternoon shopping on main street...again, lots and lots of walking. I can honestly say that the only time I think I truly ate without being hungry or beyond the point of satisfied was when we had popcorn Sunday night (after eating an amazing dinner at an Indian restaurant) and last night after the girls left (that may have been some emotional eating). Although I did make some mistatkes I also made some good decisions too. I got a chicken dish instead of lamb at the restuaruant and I ate an acceptable portion and left feeling satisfied as opposed to stuffing myself and feeling miserable. I haven't stepped on the scale yet but I'm going to assume that I didn't get too far set back in my goals.

Jenny, I was reading your blog last night and I too love weddings but tend to get a little depressed after them. Not only is there this happy couple but it's when I realize that almost all of my friends are also happily attached. I wish I could give you some really fantastic insight (either an explanation for why amazing girls such as ourselves are still single or a sure fire way to cure the wedding day blues) but sadly I can't. However, I can offer this little gem, even though we have setbacks we must move on...we get a do over everyday (and it sounds like you're back on too)! Now, in regard to the WW tips for eating out, most of them seem really great, except I too am surprised about the appetizer for a meal thing. Appetizers are notoriously crazy high in calories and fat (and not generally that filling). But I think I'll have to give some of thos a try.

Ok, I should stop train of thought is slighly muddled!

**Oh yeah, in the spirit of full disclosure I did have 2 pieces of birthday cake on my birthday...but hey, I was celebrating another year of me (and I have a sneaky suspicion that 26 is going to be the best year yet)!


LeAnn said...

Sorry I haven't been commenting very well lately. My schedule has been killing me, work and class, and little sleep. I will try to be better about it soon. Happy Belated B-day! I think your description of your weekend falls into my theory that when you are occupied or distracted, it's easy to not eat. Weekends and holidays always hold more concern about eating but I think you were right to see yourself as keeping active too. I wouldn't feel too guilty about your b-day weekend. My eating hasn't been great and of course I have a line of excuses but I try to boost my activity to counter the poor eating. Hope you have a successful weekend this weekend too!

project.100.gone said...

Hehe, my question is....what kind of cake was it? I could use a good piece of red velvet about now. LOL

project.100.gone said... velvet sounds good. however, this was a butter pecan cake with homemade buttercream frosting...yum!