Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Nicole!

Well it was an interesting weekend to say the least. I did fairly well over the weekend. I attended a wedding on Saturday and their food selection actually helped me eat well. Oddly, they didn't serve any hot food (not even coffee!) and I didn't care for the majority of salads they presented. They pre-buttered the sandwiches too so I didn't eat any of them. I'm sure that some of my drinks helped with calorie intake but I under ate food wise (yea, I know that's not good). My mom didn't have much junk food that I liked either when I was at their home. I do feel that I ate too much junk food when I was in Ames Friday and while I drove to Waukon. We went to a football game Friday night and I ate cheddar cheese Combos prior to the game. I really had a hankering for something salty and Gavin and I devoured the bag. We had to stop for lunch on the way to Waukon on Saturday and I ate some of those beloved cheese balls that I've mentioned in the past. I'm such a sucker for cheese products (only cheddar) and salty foods. And to make it worse, we stopped at McDonald's on the way home because we were traveling during supper time. I tried to order wisely. I got the #2 extra value meal (two cheeseburgers) and I ordered Gavin his usual 2 double cheeseburgers. I gave him my fries and my diet Coke and only ate the cheeseburgers. I couldn't even finish the second cheeseburger because the food stopped tasting good after I finished the first one. I guess that is a good sign.

I also ate some pasta way too late last night and it was directly related to my emotions. The wedding bummed me out. I'm very happy my cousin got married but events like weddings make me evaluate where I am with my life and it usually depresses me. I really didn't have a good time at the dance and I usually love wedding dances. Luckily we left early and I went to bed early when we got back to Waukon. It affected my mood yesterday (Sunday) too but I really didn't have the urge to eat until I was sitting up alone after 11pm. In a way I'm glad I ate some whole grain pasta instead of junk food but the fact I turned to food isn't good. Ok, that's enough narrative from me.

Last week, at WW, I got some information to help people eat wisely when they are eating out at restaurants. I figured I'd include their tips since at least one of them was surprising to me.

1) Check out the menu online prior to eating at the restaurant. (I started doing this for places like Panera so I know what I can order so I don't overuse my points)

2) Have a healthy snack before you go out so you aren't ravenous when you're ordering your food. I personally will order way too much food if I arrive at a restaurant on an empty stomach. If my stomach isn't empty, I rarely order an appetizer.

3) Ask for double veggies and less rice/potatoes if the restaurant can alter your portion sizes.

4) Share your meal or order an appetizer as your main course. (I'm surprised they'd encourage people to order an appetizer as a meal when many appetizers are huge and the majority are not very healthy.)

5) Ask for a doggy bag before you start eating. (This one surprised me because it seems really wrong to have that on the table during the meal. But it also makes sense....because you can put 1/2 or 1/4 of your meal in the doggy bag immediately. I often feel like I have to clean my plate when I eat and removing food early could help me not over eat.)

On a final note.....Happy Birthday Nicole! Hope you're having a good time with your sisters!

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