Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dumb bitch!!

So, I have to second the whole emotional eating thing Jenny. My stupid co-worker told my boss today that I don't know what I'm doing (which is a crock of shit by the way). I am SO angry at her right now. It's not my fault that the patient doesn't like that he had to do a test that the Dr. ordered. It's also not my fault that he didn't like the scale that we use to measure symptoms. I didn't set up the protocol, I just follow it. If she had asked me about the situation I could have told her what the situation was and that it wasn't a big deal, but NO! The whore goes and tells my boss that I did a crap job! ARHHHHH!!! She's lucky that I am a tactful person because when I talk to her tomorrow I am going to be polite and civil but I am seriously shaking I'm so mad right now!!!

Sorry to rant but basically this fits into the blog and the theme of things because all I wanted to do was come home and gorge myself on whatever junk food I could find (which would be 4 dozen frosted sugar cookies in my freezer). However, I am resisting...and let me tell you, I should get some kind of a reward for that!!!

1 comment:

project.100.gone said...

I really wish I would have caught you online now that I read your entry. Human beings suck for the most part. And your situation REALLY sucks. Hopefully your boss realizes what a good worker you are (she knows this, guaranteed).