Thursday, October 23, 2008

"If hunger isn't the problem.....then eating isn't the solution"

Another successful week at Weight Watchers. The topic this week was the reasoning(s) behind non-hunger related eating. Obviously some people eat to feel happy, to be comforted, etc. Luckily I haven't been eating to solve my boredom or loneliness lately but I definitely could relate to the topic. I predict I might struggle with stress related eating as I tackle thesis stuff in the near future though. We were given the task of finding other things to do rather than eating that can elicit good feelings. So many people suggested exercise but I don't find that entirely realistic for me as I usually feel bored/lonely at night when leaving home isn't feasible. I really wish I had the funds to buy a fold-up treadmill. Maybe the treadmill fairy will bring one some day.

I lost another 2.6 lbs this week. I wasn't very good about journaling my food intake throughout the week so the resulting weight loss is surprising. I always say something pessimistic right before I get on the scale...I'm always assuming failure since I don't weigh myself at home. My scale at home is wrong anyway LOL. I'm officially at a 11.2 lbs loss! My big goal, now that I've lost 10 lbs, is to reach my 10% goal of 28 lbs. I'm also awaiting the week when weight loss becomes tough. My body is letting go of weight so easily and that can't go on forever.

We also discussed that Christmas is only 10 weeks away. How crazy is that?!?! It also means that the next 10 weeks are the most difficult for some people due to Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, leftovers, Christmas, and more leftovers. Heck, even New Years is an issue because of alcohol consumption. I also have a birthday during this 10 week time frame.

So my question today pertains to a what you can do instead of reaching for food for comfort or happiness. What feasible, realistic options do you have? I personally try to read for pleasure and I chat online. However, I admit that it seems easy to snack while chatting so I try not to do it so much anymore. I also try to put in a good movie or find a good tv show but I have to be careful about snacking then too. I've typically ate something while watching tv in the past so it's a habit I need to break. Any other ideas?

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