Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"I feel good.....I knew that I would....oh I feel good...."

Hey all-

Well another Thursday is approaching and I'm excited as hell about getting weighed again at Weight Watchers. For years now I've dreaded the scale and now it brings me happiness each week. Happy day! I'm having a good week again in regards to eating. The fact that I assess my hunger each time I try to put something in my mouth really works. My goal of not eating past 8:30pm has been working wonderfully because when I consider eating, I discover that I'm not actually hungry and I get my butt out of the kitchen.

I bought some Halloween candy yesterday. I am a sucker for those Mary Jane candies that are a peanut butter taffy concoction. After I bought them I regretted it because I thought I'd eat one every time I walked by the bowl. But so far, so good! I just keep my hunger in check and reward myself at the end of the day if I have extra points to spare. But yea, I knew if I withheld those candies from myself all month, it could lead to a possible candy binge around Halloween. Moderation rules.

I bought myself two new shirts yesterday at a cool little outlet mall north of Ames. I decided if I'm losing weight and improving how my body looks, I should be more presentable. One of the shirts is even pink. Many have been shocked today as I am wearing it at the moment. The point of this ramble is that even though I haven't lost much weight yet, I already feel more comfortable with my body. I really think that this lifestyle change (attempt) will work this time. My attitude is so much better and I have numerous goals in mind....not just decreasing the number on the scale.

So...what are you goals other than losing the actual weight? I actually have a really weird one. My sister can appreciate this one too as she visited an amusement park with me this past summer. I want to lose weight so my butt fits into ALL the rides at amusement parks. There was a really cool roller coaster thing at Valley Fair this summer and I couldn't get into the seat and get the belt to clip. Most of the roller coasters were a tight squeeze on my hip regions so the jarring back and forth really hurt on the rides. I LOVE roller coasters and exciting rides and I want to enjoy the experience even more next year. Do you have any odd goals that you can associate with weight loss?

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