Monday, October 27, 2008

Woohoo Halloween Week!

I too had an average but busy weekend. More busy than I usually prefer. I did eat junk food this weekend as we attended a football game and a fall festival. I'm a nacho that was my treat on Saturday night. I tell you what though....the smells at a football game rock. Everyone was eating those warm pretzels and hot dogs. I'm so glad I ate a big snack before the game or I would have been tempted thanks to my sense of smell. I have the same issue at the high school football games we attend. I'm surrounded by the smell of hot chocolate and grilled food. But now that I do a better job of evaluating my hunger, I'm not impulsively buying that stuff.

Another interesting note about the ISU game on Saturday....Texas A & M only has male cheerleaders. I guess they call them a Yell Squad or something. They wore all white uniforms (kind of look like the Navy uniform) but they are extremely tight. They do cheers with hand gestures and gyrate and stuff. I felt like walking down and tucking some $1 bills in their waist bands. It was ridiculous yet amusing to watch since they were right in front of us all night. (We had a lot of Texas fans right next to us in the next section.) ISU lost was a sad game to watch.

We also went to a church-related fall festival last night. Luckily the food they offered was pizza and salad. I ate Gavin's salad and let him eat all the pizza. My dislike of pizza always comes in handy at these kinds of events. I had to get cotton candy though. It was only $0.50 for the amount you usually get in a bag at fair for like $5. Gavin and I went to Hickory Park afterwards and that's where I didn't do so hot. We split an order of cheeseballs and I ended up getting a grilled cheese with french fries. Originally I was going to get a french dip but they ran out of wheat buns. I hate eating buns made out of white flour. I should have gotten a chicken breast salad or something. I felt rotten after eating my dinner. Even though I had a ton of points left for the day, I know I over used them last night.

My next challenge is coming up on Friday. Halloween Candy. I admit I don't like most Halloween candy. But I love Kit Kats and other random treats so I really need to work hard on staying away from Gavin's bucket of candy. I think I'm going to try something I heard of last year. You let your kid keep half of his candy out and put the rest in a bag and freeze it. That way it doesn't sit in a bowl and stare you in the face each time you walk by.

And I am in the same boat as Nicole. I'm controlling my diet (somewhat) but I need to add more exercise so I create balance between calorie intake and usage. I guess I want more usage than intake but you know what I mean. I'm going to participate more this week when I run our after school program too....if I do the exercises I make the kids do....that will definitely get my heart rate up. Alright...until next time!

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