Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ugh...what a day!

So...last week I got my car back from having the transmission rebuilt. The car has been running great. However, I noticed a puddle of fluid under my car this morning. Yea, my car is leaking transmission fluid! I was so angry, pissed, and upset this morning. I think I spent about 2 hours crying. It's only a small leak but the fact of the matter is that it's leaking! The transmission work was not cheap last week so I really didn't expect this. And to make matters worse, I need to take it back to Independence since the transmission is under warranty. I don't exactly have any time soon to take it back there. Such a pain in the ass! Alright, now there is a reason why I'm complaining about this and it is related to weight loss.

I went to Weight Watcher's despite being so upset. They talked about soups and how they help weight weight loss. Basically soups are a large volume of food that doesn't have a lot of points. You can eat plenty without worrying about points or feeling stuffed. However, that doesn't apply to cream-based soups. (which sucks because I love broccoli and cheese, Wisconsin cheese, potato soup, etc.) The theme for week 3 of Weight Watchers is "Think First". This theme really hit home for me. Weight Watchers has an assortment of healthy habits to keep in mind when making lifestyle changes. They are (in no particular order): prepare yourself, ask for help, manage your thoughts, manage your feelings, take care of yourself, manage your environment, monitor yourself, and learn from experience. All of those habits affect everyone. However, some habits are more influential than others. I took a little survey and need to focus on managing my feelings. It wasn't shocking as I have depended on food for comfort and relief in the past.

On the bright side, I lost 2.2 lbs this week. So I've lost a total of 6 lbs now. Journaling is really helping. I cannot believe how well I've managed my hunger. I probably sound like a broken record but you wouldn't believe how I've cut back on eating. So much of my intake was not for hunger. I mentioned all that car stuff initially because I immediately thought about eating when I was so upset. (But I didn't!) I really need to stop and think when my emotions get the best of me. Fortunately, I rarely get upset about anything. But when I do get out. It was break down city this morning. Anyway. No questions to ponder today. I'll be more perky later in the week.


LeAnn said...

Sucks to hear about your transmission troubles. I finally weighed myself this morning so now I can actively gauge my weight loss. I wish I liked soup more. I recently bought a Healthy Choice soup with like 90 calories but I didn't care for the taste. That's all I got for now. I really need to write on my own blog in the near future.

project.100.gone said...

Sorry about the car...but on a positive note is under warranty...THANK GOD!!! I'm so glad that you noticed the fluid though. It would have been so much worse had you not. I am really proud of you Jenny and how well you're doing with WW. Keep up the good work and let me know if I can do anything that will help this lifestyle change easier on you!