Thursday, October 2, 2008

Issue items for me...

In the past my dilemma foods used to all be of the salty persuasion. I LOVE salt. If I could marry a spice it would be salt, as pathetic as that is, it's the truth. Chips, fries, popcorn, cheese, get the idea are all foods that I love to eat. I combat this by trying to not keep a lot of these foods around. I also try and keep healthier salty snacks around...salted nuts, rice cakes, baked chips, 100 calories bags of popcorn etc. For me, sweets were never an issue. Sure, if there was cake I would have a peice or have a cookie or 2 but I could easily pass up on cake, cookies, pie, ice cream, chocolate, get the point. However, I have noticed that in the last 2years, my sweet tooth has become increasingly larger and larger. Oddly enough my increased desire for sugared things started when I switched from drinking regular to diet pop. I read an article once that linked artificial sweetners to increased sugar intake in other forms and let me tell you, for me that is so true. I have an insatiable appetite for sweet things...especially of the baked variety. I LOVE cookies and donuts and pie. And let me tell you, this is BAD. The only thing I ever had going for me was that I wasn't a big sweets fan, and now, even that is gone. In the summer it's not so bad because so many of the fresh fruits are sweet and they satisfy my sweet tooth. Melon, fresh berries, grapes, plums and pineapple are all great ways for me to get sweets and not get a ton of processed sugar...not to mention they are loaded with lots of vitamins and nutrients. However, with winter fast approaching sweet fruits are becoming harder and harder to find. Sure I enjoy apples and bananas but they aren't sweet in the same way as fresh cherries and honeydew are. I've actually noticed that when I got to the store I am purchasing more and more not so healthy sweet things. So I guess I need to really start watching myself here. In the mornings I tend to make my own parfaits for breakfast (they're tastey, easy to make and really convenient to eat at work). I generally use 1/2 cup of light and fit vanilla yogurt, 1/4 cup frozen and unsweetened berries...right now I have blackberries, and then I break up one of the nature valley granola bars in it. It's sweet and only 200 calories...not to mention AMAZING! What I think I might do is make 2 at for my breakfast and one for a sweet treat after dinner. It would help with craving and be good for me. What are your thougths ladies? I'd love the input!


project.100.gone said...

That parfait sounds great! I guess I'd work a goal into grocery shopping. Only allow yourself one (maybe two) treats for the week when you shop. I'm a dork so I consider stuff like rice pudding to be a treat. After reading your entry, I think my junk food preferences have an ebb and flow. I also tend to want more sweets in the winter but its due to the holidays. Christmas cookies, pies, etc....who can pass that stuff up? And even now with Halloween, it's hard not to wander down the candy aisle.

LeAnn said...

I think your issue foods are completely understandable, salts and sweets. I know I fall prey to them a lot of the time. I guess I have been trying to buy one item each time I grocery shop, like one bag of chips, and they have to last me the week. It'll probably hurt more than help to cut yourself off but it sounds like you came up with a good idea with getting sweet and salty snacks that are on the healthier side. The parfait sounds like a good idea. I recently started to enjoy them too. I think you've noticed a trend in your eating that is important to keep track of while keeping it under control. Good luck, and good luck to us all!