Friday, October 3, 2008

Ho hum...

Ladies, I have to admit that this week hasn't been so great. I mean, I've done well as far as eating is concerned but I have a sever case of the hum-drums. I need to find some way to motivate myself to get my ass off the couch. I am so bored and lonely here it is actually quite pathetic. I'm only 25, yet I feel like an old cat lady. This is, hands down my favorite time of the year. The weather gets chilly and the leaves start to change color and there's football. What's not to like?!?!? Instead of rejoicing and really getting into the spirit of things I'm actually kind of depressed to not have anyone to share this gloriousness with. Maybe I'm just mopy and need to get over it but I thought I would share my feelings. Sorry to be whiney, I promise I'll be better in my next post :)

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Sorry to hear of your troubles. If it makes you feel any better, I feel very similarly 90% of the time. I have a slight depression problem. I can relate to wanting to enjoy this time of year. I, too, enjoy fall and football. It's a waste and depressing when I have no one to share it with. I have no suggestions or advice, just take comfort knowing that a 21 year old can feel just as lonely.