Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hmmm...guess it's my turn!

So, I have to say ladies that I have done very well this week. I have listened to my body and eaten when hungry and not eaten when I wasn't. Honestly, I am toying with eating something right now but I can't tell if I'm truly hungry or not...I guess I'll give it some time and see!

Jenny, you are such a little question asker...I like it because it gives me stuff to write about when I feel like I have nothing to write! First, I can totally sympathize with you about the rollercoaster incident. The last time I was at Valley Fair I found it a bit embarrassing to ride some of the rides. I remember having to suck it in and rearrange so that we could get the bar to snap into was not a proud moment. Besides the lack of amusment park comfort I think I have 2 less ordinary desires for losing weight/making a change in my life. First, I hate leaving work with people. I leave work and have to hike my ass up a hill to catch the bus at night. It's not a hill comperable to one of the many I hiked daily at Luther but it is definitely a decent walk and I tend to be winded at the top. When I'm by myself it's not such a huge deal because I can catch my breath quickly and call it good. However, when I walk up with somebody and try to talk to them I am always breathy and winded...not pretty. It's not like I'm gasping for air but it's still not a great sight. Second, I LOVE weddings. It's the one time that I get to hang out with my friends and family and we all drink and make merry...and that means dancing! I don't dance particularly well or poorly but I manage to have a good time (and rarely sit out because my friends and I are the life of most of the parties we attend...she says so modestly)! However, I would love for 2 things to be different when I'm shaking it with my friends. First, I get so hot and so sweaty (attractive, right?) and I think that it would be less of a problem if I weren't so overweight. Also, it's not nearly as nice to look at a fat chick shakin' her shit as it is a girl who looks healthier. Now, I'm not saying that I look horrible but I would feel more comfortable if I were even 30 pounds lighter.

I guess those are my only slightly odd desires. Besides these I think I have some of the basic desires that most women have...look better, feel better, appear more attractive to the opposite sex, be more attractive to myslef. I know if I stick with this I can accomplish my ordinary and not so ordinary goals. Alright ladies...I think I'm done!

Oh yeah, and just in case you were wondering I did decide to have a light stomach was growling and I have to learn to listen! MMMM...ricecakes (and this is good because I actually LOVE the little minicakes)!


project.100.gone said...

Excellent "odd" goals. I always feel like an idiot when I walk around campus or by Forker when I'm huffing and puffing. And I tell you what...when I'm doing that pilot test in front of Dr. Welch, Emily, and even Paddy...I feel like a fool sometimes. But hey, at least I'm being active right? I'm actually having a very rotten day (you'll hear about it soon via a blog entry) and reading the line "fat chick shakin' her shit" made me chuckle. Excellent terminology.

LeAnn said...

I concur with Jenny's comment about your goals. Sorry I haven't been to commentie lately. Been busy and stuff. I have a wedding to go to in December and I would like nothing more than to show up in a beautiful dress, several pounds lighter. When I go out with my friends, to the bars or even dancing, I feel the same way. I don't even want to know how bad I look - weight loss would definitely make me feel more confident. Good luck to us both!