Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fiber rules

Well I went shopping today at Hy-Vee and tried to broaden my wise. I did some coupon clipping last night so I decided to get some cereal. I went with a brand called Fiber One because things with fiber rule in Weight Watcher's land. The more fiber a food has, the less points it's worth so I can eat more of it. The cereal has 13 grams of fiber! And surprisingly, it tastes good since it has honey clusters. I also had a coupon for the Weight Watcher's candy. Typically I wouldn't buy that kind of stuff but the coupon was decent. I got some pecan clusters and toffee. Each piece is 1 point so it satisfies my sweet tooth and need for periodic chocolate. I did some brain storming on snacks and treats that I can eat and decided to go with the jello and whipped cream combination. I figure if I use sugar free jello and lite whipped cream, it shouldn't be too crazy point-wise. Woohoo.

I'm so excited that I get weighed tomorrow. I've done really well this week and haven't used all my "extra points" for the week. I doubt I'll use them because my hunger has been really under control. I did another VT max test today at work and I tell you what...even though the test is somewhat hardcore, it felt great afterwards.

I am so surprised by the amount of energy I have lately. I haven't had to nap much lately. I'm sleeping well at night too. And the B12 vitamin I am taking is working so I won't need B12 injections. So here's a question for you ladies....what are your "trouble" foods? What do you foods do you struggle with when trying to eat in moderation?

I struggle with salty snacks. If you put a bag of Doritos or Cheetos by me....look out. I'll eat the bag. I also love cream based soups. I can still eat tomato soup and manage my points easily. However, I also like potato soups, cheesy soups, and tomato bisque. I plan on using my favorite potato soup as a treat when I have extra points. I have noticed lately that I don't eat a lot of junk food like I originally thought. My issue was eating too much of all kinds of food. My portions were crazy. Of course I'm going to gain weight if I'm eating a box of Tuna Helper or tons of pasta. Luckily I don't crave candy and other sweets so I won't have so many junk food temptations during my lifestyle changes. Ok, that's enough for now!


LeAnn said...

I struggle with most food in terms of staying with moderation. I can never stick with healthy portions but I guess the worse foods would be pasta, pizza, and cheese. I do eat too much cheese and carbs. Bread and pasta are my enemy I guess. Question, are store-bought bags of stir-fry mixes ok to eat (healthy enough)?

project.100.gone said...

Store bought stir fry mixes are healthy as long as you watch your portions. I make them once in awhile and it's tough for me to only eat a cup or so of the mix. It's really tempting to just eat a ton of it. I totally forgot about cheese. I love to eat chunks of cheddar cheese. I've really missed cheese this week. I can't eat much because it adds up to a lot of points. Like 1 oz of it is 6 points! Sad.

project.100.gone said...

A quick thought and then onto my issue items...there are these chinese entrees in the grocery stores...I know that Hy-Vee and Fareway carry at least some of them (I think Wal-Mart does too). They are in a box (like the traditional Chinese take-out looking boxes) and have plastic wrap. They are like 350-400 calories a piece. I think their quite tastey and so simple. It's only one serving and I was always full after eatin them so if that's something your interested in give them a try!

Instead of typing a book here I will write about my trouble foods in my own blog entry!

project.100.gone said...

Oh yeah, and a trick for your tummy Jenny when it comes to the cream based soups. If you want to make a soup that has a simliar taste and texture to a cream based soup with less fat try a rue and chicken or vegetable stock. If you want to make potato soup for instance. Instead of using whole milk you can make a rue with margerine (transfat free of course) and flour. THen add lots of chicken stock keeping it thicker than you'd like. Add enough skim milk to get it as thin as you'd like it and it is very tastey and quite satisfying (with only a fraction of the fat). Just becareful not to boil it or it will seperate...not good eats!