Sunday, January 4, 2009

New year, new attitude!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I love the beginning of a new year. It always seems like this is a magical time of the year when anything and everything is possible. We all get to start with a clean slate and the holidays are never as far away as they are right now!!! I will apologize in advance but I have some things I'd like to share with you as we start the year off and it might take some time.

First, as it is a tradition for the beginning of a new year I will be making my resolutions on our blog. I always seem to have the same lofty resolutions, eat less, exercise more, obviously become thin, marry an incredibly gorgeous man and live happily ever after (how Bridget Jones of me). However, the more I ponder my resolutions for the new year the less excited I am to set the same, tired, boring, goals. So, in a fit of fancy I have decided to not include any of these goals. I know that this might seem like a strange move. Clearly we are trying to lose weight and change our patterns, that's why the blog is here. Certainly it makes sense for me to include things like I will lose no less than 50 pounds this year or I will be in a size 18 by Christmas. However much sense these resolutions would make I am tired of always focusing on the things in my life that I don't like in my resolutions. I am frustrated with taking away things that I like in my life (like chocolate and chips) as part of my new year goals. Therefore, I have decided this year to focus my resolutions on increasing the time and energy I spend on things that make me happy, in doing so, I hope to continue to strive towards the goals that we are working towards in the lifestyle change.

New Years Resolutions 2009:
-I will try to spend at least 10 minutes, 3-5 times a week dancing around my apartment like an idiot. I love doing this, it makes me happy and I get to increase my heart rate...and I just bought the perfect CD for doing this.
-I will try to try 1 new recipe a week.
-I will try to do my part in helping the planet by recycling more. I am very bad right now (I only recycle pop cans).
-I will complete my thesis by May and be done with school!!!!

As of today, these are my resolutions. However, I do have the ability to change or add to any of these in the next 12 months!!!

New year down, onto the new attitude. I got up this morning and weighed myself. This is the first time that I've weighed myself since the week before Christmas. I was at 310.3 pounds. I was happy because I hadn't returned to my former glory of 321.7 but I was also sad because clearly I had not reached my goal of 300 by 2009. I was going to blog right away this morning but decided that I would later in the day, and let me tell you, I am ecstatic that I waited.

For Christmas this year my dad and step-mom decided that instead of gifts that they were going to give us all $25 and a movie. We were instructed to spend the money on soemthing fun and the movie was given to help us really put some perspecitive into our lives right now (which we can all use with the current state of things). The movie is called The Secret and it's a documentary on the power of positive thinking. It focuses on the law of attraction. Now, I'm not talking "Me Tarzan, you Jane lets get this loin cloth off," kind of attraction (although that was included in the film) it's more about how our thoughts and feelings attract certain circumstances, events and people to our lives. Now, as a scientist by nature, I am always a bit skeptical about the wholistic, metaphysical, fluffy type movements. While I think positive thinking is good I feel that there is a lot more to a desired outcome than sitting around and wishing for it to happen. However, as it was a gift I felt that I should watch this video, besides, my father (who is cut from the same cloth so to speak when it comes to this type of idea) recommended it to me. If he found it helpful I knew that there must be something of benefit in there, and let me tell you, there was. Let me just start off by saying that I haven't taken notes while watching a movie since my undergrad days and as I sit writing this blog entry I have 2 pages of notes to look at. I could write all of my thoughts on this video in the blog today but it would make for a very long blog entry so I am planning to, over the next week, break up what I found helpful into several different blog entries. Each of the ideas that I hope to highlight all focus on positive thinking and the journey that we are embarking upon, specifically to us the path to greater health. However, these thoughts can be applied to all aspects of our lives. Now, no worries, I haven't gone all hippy on you but I really feel that there are some good points to be made and want to share them with you. I have many thoughts right now floating around in my head so I won't be writing more about the film today (I need a chance to organize my thoughts into a coherent message) but I do want to leave you with one little morsel to chew on until I write again. Thoughts become things. I will expand on this but for now take it at face value and think about what it means to you!

p.s. I am no longer angry, upset or sad that I didn't reach my goal...


project.100.gone said...

Super duper entry. I am like you too in the sense that I am skeptical when it comes to those kinds o messages. I have a lot to write about as well...and I actually had the same plans 4 my resolutions this year. I'll tell more when I blog. Once again...great entry!

LeAnn said...

I like the resolutions and new attitude. I feel the exact same way about the New Year - endless possibilities. I have yet to set my resolutions but I am definitely thinking about it carefully. The year may not have ended as you preferred but as you pointed out, it ended positively nonetheless. Glad we're back to the blogging business!
P.S. What's this I hear about you de-panting my sister?

project.100.gone said...

I did not depant your least I don't remember that. I know I groped her at least twice but some of the memories from the night are a little mushy. We had a great time though (even though your sister kept her shirt on...chicken)!! I am also really glad to be getting back into the swing of things. I have some lofty goals!