Thursday, January 22, 2009

Success in a small dose

Hey ladies-

Another successful Weight Watcher's weigh-in....however I only lost 0.2 lbs. I guess I wasn't shocked because I did snack too much on various nights and I'm still bloated from this wonderful time of the month. I looked on the bright side....I didn't gain. I think I am down 13.2 lbs now if I remember correctly.

We discussed handling hunger at the meeting today. It's nothing new to us. People eat due to physical hunger and emotional hunger. Emotional hunger seems to get the best of people because it almost becomes a reflex to eat when you're upset, tired, bored, lonely, frustrated, etc. The leader suggested a tactic for those of us that do this...and we know that we all do it from time to time. Emotional eating is the reason I snack in the evenings.

First, when you get the urge to eat you stop and put your hand on your stomach. This physical motion makes you stop and evaluate your decision.

Second, you ask your self "Am I actually hungry due to physical hunger?" Is your stomach growling, do you have a headache, or do you have any other physical signs of hunger?

Third, eat if you are truly something else if you aren't.

Seems kind of silly but I do think I'd benefit if I took that small amount of time to truly think about why I'm heading toward the kitchen for food.

We also discussed ways to prevent emotional eating. I actually had the best suggestion so I'm listing that one first. Put a note on the inside of the cupboard door that shares a message that will make you stop and think. I plan to put one on our junk food cupboard that says "STOP! Are you actually hungry?"

Other ladies suggested things like making tea, drinking water, doing a hobby, etc when you feel like emotional eating is sneaking up on you. I admit my increased amount of reading has helped me combat unnecessary eating since it's hard to read a book and stuff your face at the same time. Heck there are some nights when I just need to go to bed instead of sitting in my living room or raiding the kitchen.

I also have a struggle at Weight Watchers. I prefer going to the 10am meeting so I can get it done with and not interrupt the rest of my day. I go to meetings on Thursday since they are offered when Gavin is in school. All the other meetings are on the weekend or in the evening. Gavin hates going to the meetings so I try my best not to bring him with. There is a woman at the 10am meeting that is driving me nuts. She prevents me and other women from talking and sharing anything with the group. She is one of those people that always has an answer and needs to talk ALL THE TIME. She even interrupted people today. It seems silly that I don't like the meeting because of one person but that's how strong her impact is! I do go to the 12:15pm meeting sometimes but a lot more people attend then so there is more waiting. I can stay for the whole meeting at 10am though. I usually can't stay at the meeting after being weighed because I need to be back to work quickly. I just wish the leader would say something but she doesn't seem to mind. It's bizzare and annoying.

And here's some news for you....I think I want to move to Texas. To be continued...

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Well, I can't say I am a huge fan of the moving to Texas idea but it's obviously not my decision. Plus it'll probably be a smart decision for you in the long run. I'll miss seeing Gavin.
I realized that I eat the most when I am home (which isn't an earth-shattering discovery) but that means that I need to use my discipline and control to be productive at home and let the food come into mind when I am actually hungry. I haven't weighed myself but I'm sure that I have lost a bit of weight. My pants aren't staying up very well. This weekend will be a good test since I'll be at home a lot working on homework. I think it'd be smart of me to travel to the library for awhile. I really want to dive into my work and keep my mind busy. We'll see how that goes. I have had people like that woman in my classes. I'm sure you're not the only one who's annoyed. I'd try interrupt her or if she interrupts you I'd say something like "Excuse me I wasn't done talking." Anyway, hope you have a fun night with Gavin and his buds. I'm going out with the girls tonight! Yeehaw.