Monday, January 5, 2009

Take the first step...

Goals, we all have them and for many of us they seem so very far away. When we started this blog in Sept. my initial goal was to lose 100 pounds. As I sit here and type I am 10 pounds lighter than I was when I made my first blog entry 3 months ago. Initially I was hoping to be an extra ten poinds slimmer than I am today. So much for the best laid plans! Although it might not seem like it, my intended goal for the blog entry is not to focus on total pounds lost or pounds unlost that I really wish were gone but on the weight loss process in and of itself. To be completely honest, the process is not unique to weight loss. When we want to make any change in our lives (lose weight, increase exercise, stop smoking, drink less, start a new hobby) we all have to start the same way every time...take the first step.

I know it's cliche to pull Confucius out but I really do think it's important to remember that 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' We're American and as such we want to do something and see results instantly. What is this waiting thing that people speak of? If we don't get the desired results immediately we tend to feel frustrated, disappointed and deafeated. When we feel like this we give up, throw the towel in, stick a fork in...we're done!!! However, I'm coming to the realization that we are giving up too easily (and no, this is not the first time that I've come to this point)! It's time to make a conscious effort to not give up.

Ladies, we are all trying to make a significant change in our lives. Regardless of our individual hopes and wishes we all are trying to overhaul at least one aspect of ourselves. While taking on a big challenge like this can be difficult, even scary we have to have faith that we can make it through. At times our final destination seems so far away. From where I'm sitting 220 pounds isn't just in a different time zone but it feels like there is a galaxy between us. The question then becomes, how does one get from galaxy A to galaxy B?!?!? The answer is clear (but not easy), we have to take it one step at a time. When I weighed myself yesterday I was so focused on the fact that I still had 90 pounds to lose to reach my goal that I completley forget to think about the fact that I had lost 10 pounds. Ten pounds, big deal right?!?!? As a matter of fact yes, yes it is! While my ultimate goal is still many moons away, I have successfully traveled to my first rest area along the way (although this is SO not the time for rest)! Now, don't get me wrong, the final destination is still a mythical being, the next rest area is not. As I was watching The Secret yesterday, there was an example that is very insightful and should be helpful to us all.

Imagine if you will a car driving through the night. At night, the headlights of a car illuminate 100-200 feet forward of the car. A car can make it from California to New York driving through the dark because all you have to see is the next 200 feet. Hmmm...interesting, and you know what, it makes sense. We don't have to know what's happening 50 miles ahead of us as long as we focus on the 200 feet that we can see. The rest of the trip will unfold as we get there. Now, I'll openly admit it. I'm a big picture sort of girl. I like to look at things completley and then break it up into segments and sections. Thinking any other way goes against my nature but the other side of the coin is starting to make more and more sense to me. I hope that as this year unfolds I am able to take things day by day and trust that they will unfold in a fashion that helps me reach my goal. There is a quote by MLK Jr. that seems to fit so well here so I'll share it with you (as I've apparently become a metawhore...hehe). MLKJ once said, 'Take the first step in faith. You don't hav to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.'

So, ladies, I plan on taking my first step, and then second, third, fourth and beyond until I finally reach my goal...

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