Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hold on ladies....it's Love Hunger time


My first announcement pertains to Weight Watchers. I am not getting weighed this week. Jenny has fallen off the wagon badly. Lots of unnecessary eating and snacking. No exercise. Since my treadmill is arriving on Friday morning I'm using that as my official restart day. It's going to be a day of major change. I'm going to take it easy tomorrow and Thursday though...the whole week isn't going to be a binge-fest.

Secondly, I have been reading through "Love Hunger" again as Tiffany and I review parts of it on Wednesday nights. I brought the workbook with me to Gavin's practice tonight and took a ton of notes. I'm going to start including some questions that inspire some interesting reflections. Answer them and read them if you want. I never made it past week 3 in the book and the program includes 12 weeks so I'm stumbling onto all kinds of neat things.

I reviewed the introduction which discussed addiction. They explained how food addiction is similar to an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, work, etc. Addiction to food though isn't treated the same since those other addictions, especially drugs and alcohol, are considered more serious by many. I wish everyone would realize that addiction to food is just as much of a killer. It might not be as quick to cause harm or be illegal but think of the damage it does to a person's body, mind, and soul over time. It really wrecks a person and can destroy their life as much as heroin or booze.

The introduction also asks for you to list why you want to lose weight. I looked at my responses and made some changes. Heck I think we've listed this kind of stuff before when the blog first started but I'm listing my reasons again. It never hurts to review why you're making important changes.

I'm losing weight and creating a healthy lifestyle because:

1) I want to improve my health and avoid things like diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and cancers....especially since some of those are evident in my family genetics.

2) I want better fitness. I'm sick of getting winded easily. I want to run a 5K or 10K some day.

3) I want to look better. I want to wear a smaller clothing size. I don't want to hide my body anymore.

4) I want to fix my self-esteem and confidence.

5) I want to be happier.

6) I want to be a more active and energetic mother.

The program also has a contract you sign in the book. Do you remember you, Tiffany and I created our own contracts Nicole? Jeez, that was way back in 2007. Crazy. I thought about creating a contract for myself. But the fact of the matter is that I know what I need to do. I think if I keep on making goals each week or every other week I'll stay on track just fine.

The final part I'll discuss tonight is about the relationship we created with food in childhood. What was the atmosphere around the dinner table for your family? My family always ate around the table and my mom was usually adamant that the t.v. not be turned on. My dad was usually late for meals so that sometimes caused tension between him and my mom. Remember any other pertinent details LeAnn?

Now how has the atmosphere changed at your dinner table? Well first of all, Gavin and I don't eat around the dinner table. We have the horrible habit of eating on the coffee table in the living room with the t.v. on. I'm doing the exact opposite of my childhood.

How does this change make you feel? I actually feel sad about our bad habit. I'm creating a bad habit for my son. I mean if we eat like this now....how's he going to eat when he's an adult? Yikes! I actually wonder now how much this has contributed to my weight gain. It's proven that people eat more when they eat in front of the tv. I don't listen to my hunger when I shovel food in during a t.v. show. Gavin and I need to eat in the kitchen only. Plain and simple.

Answer those questions if you want and list your reasons for changing if you want. No pressure!


project.100.gone said...

Good entry Jenny! Tomorrow, when I'm bored at work I'll answer those pressing questions! More insights into our habits...sweet!

LeAnn said...

Interesting. I remember those same details from our childhood meals. No TV, we were all there together, for the most part, and Dad was late. When we were all there it seem like there were no leftovers, everything was finished. That wasn't necessarily bad because there were five (five and half counting Gavin) of us eating so servings weren't huge but second and third helpings might not have been completely healthy. Anyway, that's all I can remember about our family meals.
Now with my daily eating. Because of my work schedule Monday-Thursday I bring my breakfast and lunch in a lunch bag. Because I have a limited amount of food that needs to last me 6-8 hours I can't overeat. Supper on the other hand can get out of control because I have unlimited food and I am usually tired and hungry from the long day. I do eat in front of the TV too. I might have to look into that. Anyway, those are my answers.