Thursday, January 15, 2009

Glorious Weight Watchers

Hi all-

Well Weight Watchers was a success this week! I'm down 2.8 lbs. I know I'm going to reach my 15 lbs goal before Valentines Day. Hopefully I'll be quite close to my 20 lbs weight goal in the middle of February. I did not stay for the meeting due to an insane work schedule today. My car was also problematic so I was scared that it wasn't going to start all day. I did receive information for week 4 since Weight Watcher's has switched to the Momentum program for 2009. The theme this week is "Habits of Successful Member". You'll be pleased to know that we have a fairly good handle on many of these habits but of course there are variations since we are human and have differences.

1) Ask for help: surround yourself with supportive and motivating people.

2) Learn from experience: figure out what works and stick with it....prevent that all too common yo-yo situation

3) Manage your environment: fill your cupboards with foods that keep you on track. Those of us kicking soda to the curb are already tackling this one. I sometimes struggle because Gavin's junk food is tempting but at the same time I don't want to deny him any of his treats.

4) Manage your feelings: watch out for the feelings that trigger you to eat for comfort. This is a big one for me because stress, anger, fatigue, etc cause me to eat to feel better. This is a the habit I really need to work on and harness.

5) Manage your thoughts: trade in negative thoughts for positive one. This habit immediately makes me think of Nicole naturally.

6) Monitor yourself: accountability!!! Tracking my points and food intake help me with this habit. It's not only about the number on the scale.

7) Prepare yourself: good plans shape good decisions. People often fall off the wagon when life gets hectic and unstructured. Make the effort to plan meals and snacks. Some of us are doing well with this....I admit I slip at times. Stick with making your lunches LeAnn and it will help create permanent healthy habits.

8) Take care of yourself: respect your own needs....don't get wrapped up in the needs of others. So when life is crazy busy....take time for yourself. Take a walk when it's not bitterly cold. Watch your favorite tv show. Hang out with friends.

I think I've posted those before but hey...never hurts to review good tips.


project.100.gone said...

You may have posted that list before but it's nice to see it again. I think it's very helpful to refocus our thoughts once in a while and that list is a very good aid in doing so. Congrats on a successful WW!!! You rock Jenny!

LeAnn said...

Yes, you seem to be chipping away at those pounds. I am hoping that packing my own lunches and stuff keeps me in check. You know Gavin doesn't have to have a ton of junk food either. I know he's skin and bones but pushing him to eat healthier couldn't hurt, might even help in the cavity-department. Alrighty, have a good weekend.