Sunday, December 21, 2008

In 5,4,3,2,1...

CHRISTMAS!!! Wow, it's pretty much official now, I'm a nerd! Ladies, this week has not been my shining moment as far as this lifestyle change is concerned. I am unhappy to report that I even ate out (on Friday they bought Chinese take-out for those of us who drug our asses into work). I've been eating too much and not eating the healthiest of things. Unfortunately my holiday spirit is interfering with the spirit of our mission. I'll admit it, at first this really, REALLY bothered me. I was doing so well and then the holidays hit and I fell off of the bandwagon. What's wrong with me?!?!? As I pondered that question it dawned on me. I don't think there is anything wrong with me, or you Jenny or you Leann. We are still learning. We can't take a lifetime of questionable/bad eating and health choices and do a complete 180 in 3.5 months. If we expect perfection out of ourselves or eachother, we're just setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this because I'm giving up or want either of you to give up yoursleves or let me off the hook for doing poorly. I'm just saying that we're still amatures and need to have goals that are realistic for our current situation. I've already been dreading my trip back home because I know I won't be perfect but it stops today. I barely get to see my family and I refuse to spend the whole time beating myself up because of the fact that I over eat or make less than healthy choices at times. My Christmas goal has shifted. I'm going to try to spend my holiday focusing on the good choices that I make instead of the mistakes I make. Only eating one dessert...yay! Eating too many tortilla ham wraps, not wise but something to work on. I read this article yesterday about how heavy eaters feel more pressure, like they're being judged when they eat in social situations, especially at the holdiays and it's true. I already feel like my eating habits are being scrutinized by everybody else, I don't need to become my own worst critic.

Now, in order to compensate for the increased calorie content, I play to kick up the physical activity. I have already promised my nephew that we would go sledding everyday that we're together...that is some serious exercise, lugging myself, 2 kids and at least 2 sleds up a hill all day. My sister has also promised to walk with me while we're at our parents house. They live in the country so a quick jaunt around the block is over 2 miles! I know this doesn't negate the fact that I over eat but it helps keep things in balance!

Ok ladies...I have to get to my breakfast, laundry and caramel corn (I'm giving it all away!) so I should go. Once I leave home I won't have access to the internet, or at least I don't think I will, so if I don't talk to you before then, have a very merry Christmas!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I like your idea about not needing to be our own worst critic. As you probably haven't heard, I got the flu Thursday evening so my eating has been dialed back. The flu hit me fast and left fast which is a relief but my stomach is still queasy. I plan on blogging about it. Anyway, so my eating has been pretty minimal but I've been so tired so I haven't done much physical activity. I think if you keep yourself aware and on top of things - without being too critical - you'll have a good holiday season. Sounds like you'll have some good physical activity. I plan on staying healthy - no more flu! Merry Christmas!!