Sunday, January 11, 2009

No worries, "non-angry Jenny" has returned!

Sunday was a tame day. Nothing pissed me off! I had plans to go to to church but staying up until 3am didn't help me wake up on time. I was so restless last night and I kept my tv on I stayed up entirely too late. I woke up at 10:45am and decided to not go to work when I was supposed to...Gavin and I went to the early bird matinee and saw "Marley and Me". I then proceeded to go to the greenhouse after that to water. Probably should have gone before the movie because some rooms were getting dry but nothing died.

My Steelers won today too so that helped my spirits. I'd probably be "bitter Jenny" right now if they had lost to the Chargers.

On a different topic all together, I abided by the law of Weight Watchers today. I've currently used 29 out of my 35 points today. I'm munching on dill pickles at the moment as they are zero points. I also realized how low in points turkey bacon actually is....only 1 point per slice! Too bad it doesn't taste slightly better. As long as I eat it on a BLT I'm fine but I don't think I could eat it plain. Ick. I really need to explore some new foods. My poor eating has resulted from emotional events but I'm also getting bored of my usual meals too. I've started craving Tuna Helper which yes is fine, but I tend to eat the whole box of it. Only eating 3/4 of a cup (one serving) does not satisfy the Tuna Helper craving. I'll let this complaint lead into my goals for this week:

1) I will only eat when I'm hungry. No more eating due to boredom or my emotions. It's getting ridiculous and I'm undoing hard work.

2) I will go to HyVee and get lettuce, more veggies, and other foods so I can shake-up my diet. I'm so bored with my ravioli, other pastas, tomato soup, and fiber one bars. I want to create a lasagna.

3) Exercise....hmmm. I want to work out 2-3 times this week for at least 30 minutes during each bout. I never meet this goal. I already feel uncertain about it but I need to be more active. I still have that slug feeling and sitting on my ass won't do anything about it.

4) I have to be in bed before midnight. Not getting enough hours of sleep per night affects the hormones in your body that control appetite and fullness. No wonder I'm hungry all the time.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I haven't been to church in so long, I do feel badly about it. You never said how "Marley and Me" was? For the past week/week and a half my eating has not been too controlled. I think it's the extra free time and being in front of the TV so much. One part of the problem is that I rarely feel full so I want to keep eating until I reach that limit. I am going to try this week to keep busy, get things done, and not let myself eat until I feel hungry. Eating in moderation will be the hard part. I'm trying to acquire discipline. Good luck to both of us for this week's eating and goals.