Thursday, January 29, 2009

More answers to excellent questions...

Trigger foods are an interesting quandry. I know that when we started this adventrue this fall I didn't keep anything fun in the house. If I didn't buy it and have it handy it was easy to not binge. However, since January I've been keeping things in the house. I currently have pizza, chips, ice cream, pop, chocolate, cookies and pudding in the house. The interesting, and exciting thing about it, is that I really have no desire to binge on them. I really feel like I have a lot more control over myself than I have in the past and am capable of making better decisions. I think that I will be able to keep trigger foods around and still do well. Granted, it's only a month in to our revamped attempt but I still feel good about it.

I don't think food was a friend or a foe as a child. I talked about the attitude of my family in my earlier blog today but I think the joy came from the people, not the food...the food was just the icing on the cake, so to speak. I honstly don't have much insight into it beyond this. Although I will say this. I don't think food is my enemy. I think whatever triggers my eating is the enemy and that's something I can control.

Now, onto the final questions:

--food has become increasingly important in your life. (I honestly don't know how to answer this question...let me think on it).

--I eat when I'm nervous or angry. (These are 2 emotions that don't generally trigger eating for me...boredom and lonliness, yes).

--I crave food and think about it more than I should (I don't really think about food, unless I'm talking about it with someone but I do have cravings...I tend to want to have the things I'm craving...hmmm, do cravings mean that I think about food more than I think?!?!?).

--I eat to keep people from getting close to me. (nope)

--I could be addicted to food (it's possible...but I feel like I'm doing really well right now and am breaking the addiction if it's there).

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

It's hard to comment on your blog - I have no idea why either. I do keep trigger foods around too but I think it would be smarter for me to keep fewer foods around. I thought I had more control than I actually do. I bought marshmallows, chips, ice cream, and pizza. The only item I had control over was the pizza. In regards to the questions my sister posted, I, too, don't eat to keep people away and I do believe their is some addiction quality between food and me. I don't like it but it's there. This is by far not my best comment but there it is. Have a good weekend!! Good blogging.