Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Modern dance = modern tripping with an elevated heart rate

Hello all-

Well I spent a fair amount of today sitting on my ass analyzing data so when I got home, I immediately popped in my cardio VHS and did a 20 minute workout. I still feel great from it. I also reaffirmed the fact that I'm not very coordinated. Makes me laugh that I taught a dance unit when I student taught for my license. Swing dancing did have more freedom in regards to movement I guess. Needless to say, my performance was scary but my heart rate was up and I was sweating. Mission accomplished.

After the dance part (it was mambo stuff), they did a little core work and wow. I am not flexible. But hey, every little thing helps and I bet I'll be sore as hell tomorrow despite it only taking 20 minutes of my time.

I've done some overeating the past few nights so like usual I am nervous about being weighed tomorrow. But if I gained or didn't lose much it's my own doing. I'm still eating due to boredom, my period, and emotional triggers. I've learned that even Gavin's junk food seems to trigger me so I really need to keep myself out of that cupboard. My next challenge will be on Friday when he has his birthday party. The main course will be pizza so I won't eat that of course but I'll have some birthday cake. Hopefully the boys eat a lot of it so it doesn't sit here on Saturday staring at me.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I like that Nicole added a picture to the last entry. Her picture was very relevant to the blog topic....mine has no relevance at all.


project.100.gone said...

while it may have no relevance to your blog entry it is amazing!!! Also, I may have solidified my spot in hell by finding something dirty in a church sign. Good luck with WW tomorrow, remember each week is part of the process and setbacks (should they arise) help us to learn and grow!

Also, tip for the birthday cake...first, have a very guilt-free piece, you have an absolutely amazing son and deserve a treat! Then bring ziploc bags with you and send a piece home with each of the boys...if the mom's don't like it they can just pitch it and then you don't have all of the leftovers daring you to eat them!! If you don't like that idea, freeze it. If it's frozen you won't feel like you have to eat it before it goes bad and then you and Gavin can pull out a piece every once in a while as a treat!

LeAnn said...

I commend and second all the comments made by Nicole, even the dirty thoughts one. When I first started reading your blog I thought it was Nicole, thanks to your comment about Gavin I realized it was you. That's besides the point. Yes, good luck at WW. I sat on my tushy A LOT yesterday but when I got home I was zonked for energy so there is no way I could've done a 20 minute work out. I do realize that there needs to be something towards the end of my day to expel calories and make up for all the time I was on my butt. Anyway, hope you and Gavin have a good time at his partay!