Thursday, January 15, 2009

I look like an idiot...

but at this point I think I'm OK with it! I believe earlier this week I told you that I got my dance work out videos and well, I've finally had a chance to try them! The Dance Work Outs for Dummies will be a really great asset to my weight loss, the other DVD, not so much. The first night I had the DVDs I watched the tutorial and I think I figured out why they call it Dance Work Out for Dummies, cuz that's how I looked! I have a very limited background in all areas related to dance. I think if you're hot and really fit (like the instructor in this video) you don't look so silly but I definitely don't fall into that category...yet! When I first started the tutorial section (it breaks up some of the steps so you know how to do them in the actual work outs) I felt like a pretty big tool and was very grateful for the fact that I pulled all of the shades before I started doing my thing. I don't know why I am so self-conscious when I'm at home. It's not like my cat is sitting there judging me (she probably thinks I've lost my mind but she's not judging)! Any way, I decided to stop being so critical of myself and decided to just have fun. After all, that is the reason that I wanted to get dancing videos for myself. Anyway, I'm still running through the tutorial each night until I get the steps down really well but I've also tried my hand at the work-outs and when I can follow them they will be so much fun...actually it's fun now, I just feel a bit lost and spend a lot of time laughing at myself!

Along with my attempts at dancing I feel like I have been doing well with my eating this week. I feel like I've been making wise decisions as to what I've been eating (making healthy substitutes where possible) and I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything...hell I even had totally guilt-free ice cream last night! I love the they make the little cups. While they tend to be a bit more expensive in the long run, I eat them slower and it's a single serving so the whole portion control issue becomes non-existent! I'm still not drinking pop and it's surprisingly easy at this point...the hardest part is getting out of the habit of drinking it. Oddly enough, if you don't buy pop it's a lot easier to not drink it also! Although, to be honest, I still have 3 cans of dt. coke in the cupboard!!! Take that temptation-monster!!!

Any way, I should probably stop blogging and go back to being totally bored at work...thank GOD tomorrow is Friday (one of our busiest days in clinic). I wish you all luck tonight with snacking and the like. Stay warm!!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot...because I've been so bored at work I've been searching online for helpful hints for our life style change. Sadly, it's either sketchy advice or it's stuff that we already know for the most part. Instead, I managed to stumble across an inspirational quote that I think is very fitting for us. So here you go...Nicole's Inspirational Thought of the Day:

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier

How true it that?!?!? It's not about one big thing, it's about making a lot of small, positive choices again and again!

Alright, I'm really done this time!


LeAnn said...

I like the positive attitude. I would love to try one of those dancing DVDs to lose weight but it's just not practical in my living situation. I have an upstairs apt in a house and the floor creaks horribly and there is definitely not enough room. My neighbors downstairs would probably call the police on me, or maybe an ambulance thinking that I fell down. LOL. I'm glad to hear the non-pop life is going well. The other day I took cans to Wal-Mart since they had been in our closet for months. I discovered I had one can of pop and two cans of energy drinks sitting in my cupboard. I offered them to my roommate, who declined, and then proceeded to drain them in our sink. So we both conquered the temptation monster. I, too, am pleased with my eating. I have been packing breakfast and lunch to avoid buying crappy, junk food on campus. There are a few small splurges but they are kept in moderation so I don't feel like I have fallen off the wagon, so to speak. The physical activity needs to be boosted, I'm still brainstorming on that one. I have a heavy load of work and tutoring I have to do this semester so I am trying to decide where my free time lies. Ok, I think I wrote plenty. Keep up all the good, positive, productive work. *Just dance!*

project.100.gone said...

I also commend you on starting up with those DVDs. I still haven't tried looking for my exercise VHS tapes. Not even sure I still have them. Might have donated them years ago but I'm going to check as soon as I'm done blogging.

Isn't life without pop dandy? I rarely miss it and it's a nice treat to have it when we go out to eat once a week. We went out to eat today and I didn't even get pop. I opted for fresh strawberry lemonade. I appreciate the fact that caffeine is only introduced when I have hot tea or coffee, which is not regularly. I also try to keep an eye open for information for our little group but run into the same issues Nicole. Sometimes Weight Watcher's gives new ideas though but I didn't stay for the meeting again today due to work and Gavin. I'm also going to review my Love Hunger workbook so if I see any inspiriting questions, I'll include them too.