Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year! (soooo unique, I know it)

Alright fellow Blog Partakers, it's time for my 2 cents. I've thought about blogging all day and almost started the task a couple times. Instead, I decided to wait and organize my thoughts and I'm glad I did. I think I would have overly critiqued my poor eating over the holiday break instead of being optimistic of the year to come. Now that I've had the day to reflect I also feel very positive about the start of this new year. I have many goals and dammit I will succeed and reach them. I'm sick of seeing year after year pass me by and no progress towards things that truly matter to me. I'm not repeating history in 2009.

I've thought about my goals/resolutions and I really like the route that Nicole is taking. I could easily repeat my usual ones that entail weight loss and fixing my appearance. Obviously goals like that haven't helped me accomplish much in the last 8-9 years of my life so why beat a dead horse? I want to create resolutions that promote happiness therefore my emotions won't lead me toward poor eating decisions. It's no secret that I'm an emotional eater. My logic may be simplistic but if I'm happier my lifestyle changes will happen and will become concrete.

Resolution #1: I will exercise more and it will become a regular occurrence in my life. It's a fact that exercise reduces depression and boosts feelings of happiness.

Resolution #2: I will fix my social life. I've gotten into a ridiculous habit of rarely going out on weekends or evenings. I just stay at home with my son. If I do go out its for work functions or to hang out with my friends from church. I want to date again. I want to meet people. And I'm not going to do that by staying at home.

Resolution #3: I will create more organization in my life. When Gavin was younger this wasn't an issue but over the last year things have been so hectic in this household. Gavin participates in more activities, I work more, and I bring a lot of work home with me. The fun factor has decreased in our home and I want to fix that quickly. If I'm more organized and structured I will find time to have fun with my son and also boost that happiness I mentioned before.

I think three is a good number so I'm sticking with it. I think all three could directly or indirectly help me lose weight and create a healthier lifestyle. My next project is to buy a treadmill. I'm at the point where I can pay for most of one but cannot pay for it in full. Do I buy it now and put it on my credit card so it's paid off in a few months? Or do I wait until I can just pay it in full? I personally think I should buy it now while I'm so motivated to start a running program. I need to use it now in the winter since running outside is dangerous for my hamstrings. Plus I anticipate getting a refund back for my taxes so that will help me pay off any outstanding bill in a timely manner. I wish I had more motivation to use the Rec Center at ISU but I hate being around that college crowd and the available times at our exercise clinic in my building suck with my schedule. But eh, no excuses....I should be able to work my life into that exercise clinic schedule.

Anyway...cannot wait to hear more about your movie Nicole. It never hurts to be positive about life. Too many people are pessimistic and it's often obvious that it affects everything in their life. I often worry about developing into someone like that so any tips are helpful. I'm worried yet excited about going to Weight Watchers on Thursday. Worried because I gained and feel like a cow. Excited because I want to get back on the wagon and reach my 20 lbs goal before Valentines Day. I overate during the holidays but dammit I enjoyed most of it. (I could have done without some of the chocolate.)

I also look forward to anyone else who wants to join this blog and share their knowledge, concerns, or questions with everyone. The more people we have communicating on here, the more we will succeed. I sure the hell don't know everything so we need as many minds and opinions as possible! Good luck with the work week everyone! Jenny


LeAnn said...

I like the resolutions! I feel the same way about ellipticals as you do about treadmills except I can't afford either. It'll be good to get back to routines - like you said about Weight Watchers. I like getting back to daily stuff and eating well. I lost a few pounds from the flu but I'm sure I gained them all back. Time to eat at home and smaller amounts as opposed to all the junk and fast food from my time at home. Good luck to us all.

project.100.gone said...

Great resolutions Jenny! And remember, don't dread WW...while you might have gained I'm sure that you will get something of benefit from the meeting (you usually do)! Good luck this week!