Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Don't be anti-anything....

be pro-something! In a far better mood tonight than I was in last night (could have something to do with 25 mintes of dancing around and then 20 minutes of lifting) I am back to my thoughts on The Secret and how I'm trying to apply it to the task at hand. Again, the movie is all about the law of attraction and how the objects of our thoughts are attracted to us (whether we are thinking of it in a positive or negative way). For example, if I keep thinking I'm fat and lonely and don't want to be, I will continue to be fat and lonely. The energy of the earth apparently has very selective hearing and only listens to the fat and lonely (not the I don't want it) part and therefore brings it to me. While I think this is hogwash (to put it nicely), I did get to thinking about the concept of being pro, not anti.

I always considered myself a positive person. Compared to many I am a pretty glass half-full kind of girl. However, now that I think about it I do have a lot of anti-thoughts. I am anti-3/4 sleeve coats and long gloves, anti-brussels sprouts, anti-men wearing pink and anti-lots more things that have no relevance or real importance in my life. Upon closer examination, I have decided that I am also anti several things that do have some impact on my life. For weeks I have been losing sleep because I was anti-thesis-not-being-done and anti-being-alone. Now, as someone who is very, VERY pro-sleep this is a problem. As I contemplated blogging yesterday I decided to change my thoughts. Instead of being anti-thesis, I should be pro-making progress. As silly as it sounds, I fell asleep last night without an ounce of trouble. I also decided that instead of making myself a moody, depressive, recluse, I would decide to make the best of my time alone here in Michigan. I spent almost an hour working out tonight when I got home...not only is it good for me physically but it is helping me mentally. I am going to try very hard in the next weeks and months (and God I hope not years!) to keep a positive outlook on things. I'm living in Michigan not Siberia!

Anyway, I know that this blog is a little jumbled and not the most eloquent piece of prose that I've ever written, however, my stomach is growling and I wanted to get this down before I got to dinner. I leave you with this. Think about anti-thoughts that you have and see if you can turn them into pro-statements (in particular, think about your thoughts on weightloss and physical acitivy).

Keep up the good work ladies!!!


project.100.gone said...

Oh your blog is not a jumble of made a lot of sense to me anyway! I try to be a "glass half full" chick and people often compliment me for being one but I am rather pessimistic when it comes to my weight loss and lifestyle changes. Especially when I have small failure I'll immediately think I can't accomplish anything long term. I kind of have that "all or nothing" kind of thinking with things in my life. My mind tells me I have to successfully reach ALL my goals. If I gain one week or don't reach a different goal of some sort...I'm an overall failure. I am starting to accept the fact that a lifestyle change demands both successes and failures since much can be learned from both. In a sense I need to be pro-success and pro-failure since both are critical to my weight loss and health. Great blog Nicole...I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Things did not go well with my thesis today but I survived. I was supposed to meet with Kathi since she requested my data but I worked and worked all day and realized at 3pm today that I was not close to sitting down with her. I don't even have 1/8 of it in SPSS yet. She changed the data entry process for SPSS so I can't just copy and paste from Excel. Pain in my ass. LOL. OH I don't have to meet until Friday so I'll work some tonight and I'll work hard tomorrow.

LeAnn said...

Believe it or not but this blog was hard for me to read, due to no fault of your own. I realized that I am quite a bit more pessimistic and mean-spirited than I thought. I'm not sure how that happened because I used to be fun-loving, outgoing person. I may need to take a look on the inside to see why I'm not as happy and optimistic as I used to be, it be a key to better self-esteem and possible weight loss. I very well may be concentrating on this in my next blog. Humor is a large part of my personality (if you didn't get to see that - sorry) and it may help me get out of pessimism and have a better outlook. Thanks for the blog!!