Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back to good 'ol Weight Watchers

Howdy all-

I don't have anything profound to say tonight but I did go to my Weight Watcher's meeting today. I woke up and I knew I had to go despite my gain since Christmas. I actually wanted to was odd. Unlike most Thursdays though, I was unable to stay for the actual meeting portion. I just got weighed and left since I had a busy afternoon and needed to be back at work by 1pm. So here comes the accountability portion of today's blog....since my WW meeting on 12/18/08 I have gained 3.4 lbs. I'm now back at my 10 lbs weight loss. Honestly I thought I gained more and I probably did but I've been eating better since my return to Ames. I now weigh 271.8 lbs.

I finally read that article in Reader's Digest article about weight loss fully. I'd like to make some more comments on relative topics that pertain to us but I just don't have the motivation tonight. I'll make that information available sometime this weekend. I still have some thesis work to do tonight and I need to prepare for a research trip tomorrow. The location is 3 hours away from Ames so I'm trying to get pumped up about spending most of my Friday on the road LOL.

I'm also creating some goals this weekend so I get a boost in my physical activity next week. I feel like a slug!!! A slug that doensn't exercise!!


LeAnn said...

It sounds like you aren't doing too badly, just need to get back into the swing of things. I haven't weighed myself recently so I am not sure how I'm doing. But I have decided that my legs used to be my best asset and they are looking a bit wider than longer so that's one of my goals. Hope the road trip fares well in regards to road conditions and weather.

project.100.gone said...

Yay for goal really does seem to help! Blast all of those sport psych people being right!!!