Saturday, November 22, 2008

Random thoughts on a Saturday morning...

Good morning ladies! I just have to say that today started with an absolutely GORGEOUS morning!!! I was in bed last night by 11:20 which lead to me being wide awake at 7:00 this morning. Normally I get really frustrated about this but I was refreshed and just a touch on the warm side so I decided, what the hell, might as well get up. The sun was just starting to rise and I noticed something that seemed quite odd to me when I looked out my window...I still have ducks!! Shouldn't' t these little guys have migrated by now? Anyway, I thought about all of the ways that I could spend my early morning hours and decided that the thing that would make it the best would be to bundle up and go for a walk (I love, love, LOVE chilly walks)!!! As it was a wopping 20 degrees (felt like 13 with windchill) I threw on my long underwear (and don't laugh, every good Iowa girl should have a pair), jeans, cami, long sleeved tee, sweatshirt, fleece, mittens and scarf; grabbed my iPod and I was out the door. It was amazing! The air smelled so clean and fresh and it was just a bit on the nippy side...the perfect start to my day. (Side note: as I was getting ready for my walk I looked down at my hand and noticed that my ring had been moved. Apparently in my sleep last night I decided that the ring I always wear on my right hand should reside on my's too weird though so I'll have to change that back).

Now, onto weight loss...after all, it is the main reason for this blog. I have been bad this week ladies. I stuck to my goal of eating something for lunch everyday this week which is good but I didn't do so well for dinners. I don't want to make excuses so I'm not going to. I think part of my problem is that I'm so overweight right now that I have a really hard time seeing this weight loss/lifestyle change thing working. In my head I have my final goal of 100 pounds and it seems unreachable. When I realize that right now it's unreachable I give up. I CANNOT do that. I will not let myself or you down like that. As soon as one of us gives up I feel like it allows the rest of us to do so. I won't be the start of that. When I frantically scrawled my last post on here I was thinking about this a lot. I need to stop looking at the big picture...shocking, I know. I am such a big picture girl (if you were ever in a complex class or research group with me you'd know this). In school big picture is good, in a lifestyle change, not so much. I have decided that setting short term goals is how I need to approach my lifestyle change. This is why I have my 300 by 2009 campaign going. This morning I am going to make some signs to put on my fridge and cupboard that will remind me of my goal. It might work, it might not but in the very least it can't hurt.

Lastly, I have decided that I absolutely MUST drink more water. I was reading an article about diet pop again and it's just not the greatest thing to be drinking. Granted, I have one, maybe two cans per day but that is still not good. I have a pitcher in my fridge and my goal for the week (or today through Tuesday) is to drink one pitcher of water per day. This shouldn't be difficult for me as I love water.

OK ladies, that's all I've got for now and my cream of wheat is just sitting there looking so lonely. Have a great day and I can't wait to see/meet you both next weekend!!!


project.100.gone said...

Excellent blog entry!

You know, I don't own long underwear but I must invest. I also need to buy snow boots. I haven't owned a pair since early high school and I want to be more active in winter. I don't want cold limbs or feet to ruin sledding experiences for Gavin and me. I must also say that I'm impressed by your motivation in the morning. I'm such a bump on a log in the morning. It's hard for me to get up and go to my greenhouse job, let alone exercise.

Short term goals are so important. I need to chunk up my weight loss too or else I'll easily lose focus before reaching my 80 lbs weight loss goal. I often look at my body and say to myself "you are destined to look like will take too much work to change what you've done to yourself." But when I stop and think about it....if I do all this work and take the time to change my lifestyle I'm more likely to maintain my goal weight and habits. Who wants to undo all that work and start over? I sure the hell don't.

Gavin and I have sort of solved our water consumption problem. I started buying the flavored carbonated water from Hy-Vee. Walmart carries these too. They are zero calories (sugar free) and they help me a lot when I want soda. They are a liter in size and help me drink enough liquid when regular water isn't satisfying me. It also helps that it's really cheap. They are 0.50 a piece.

Ok, on to my blog entry!

LeAnn said...

Again, I'm late but anyhow. Kudos on the early morning walk! I do not have long underwear either. I have discovered that the process of weight loss can be really long and after fifteen or so pounds it's easy to say "I can't reach 50 lbs or 100 lbs at this pace." But just think of when you were at your heaviest - wouldn't you have done anything to be 15 lbs lighter? I think if you remind yourself of this idea you'll feel better and want to lose more. (I'm not sure if I explained my line of thinking well on this but I can explain better in person.) Yesterday I spent five hours standing at work, today and tomorrow I will spend seven hours each day on my feet so I am hoping that makes up for my lack of exercising. And, I COMPLETELY agree about the diet soda/pop thing. I watched a TV segment on it and I realized that no matter if it's diet pop, it's still not good. I have gone almost 2 weeks with no pop or energy drinks. If I want caffeine I've had coffee or Lipton's Diet Ice Tea. I agree with Jenny about flavored water being helpful when plain water doesn't cut it. That's enough for now!! See/Meet you soon.