Friday, November 14, 2008


Sorry, thought I'd stick the football theme for my title today. I didn't blog last night because I had SO much going on. I'm working on a scrapbook for my mom and it's quite difficult to do anything involving my hands (such as typing) when they're covered in paint, glue, glitter and tea (I'm using different colored teas to dye some of the paper).

Anyway, Jenny I am so glad that you had a positive experience at WW yesterday. It makes it a lot easier to stay on track when we have positive results from our efforts. I stepped on the scale and I'm still right where I've been for about 2 weeks now. I need to get back to really listening to my hunger and I think I will continue to lose. I didn't work out last night because I did a lot of squats in my workout on Wed and they about did me in. I can tell that I haven't been doing much of anything lately because my legs were so sore last night, especially my inner thighs (which is not a comfortable place to be sore). I still have some residual soreness so I'm just going to do a stretching routine tonight and call it good. Ideally I'll be back on track for a workout tomorrow. As horrible as the legs felt it's a good pain though. It's the pain that signifies that I got off of my ass and did something. I intend to keep doing a similar workout, I'll just decrease the reps until I get back to where I want to be.

Ok, ladies...major issue with me. I SUCK at eating. I have skipped lunch this week every day except for Monday. I need to not be doing this. Not only do I come home starving but I am messing up what's left of my metabolism. My problem is that I'm never hungry for what I bring for lunch. All I ever want to do is go to the cafeteria and make a salad or get a sandwhich or pizza or Chinese (we have an amazing cafeteria at our hospital). Not only would most of the food choices there be unhealthy but it's also very expensive. I haven't made a goal in a while but that is going to be my goal for next week. Not only will I continue to do some activity everyday I will also eat lunch everyday, NO EXCEPTIONS!

By the way Jenny, you NEVER have to apologize for listeing to Christmas music early to me. I sometimes get a hankering for it in the summer. It is so comforting and it always makes me think of home. I would listen to it year round but I don't have a wide enough variety.

Alright ladies...dinner time!


Jenny, you never have to apologize to me for listening to

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