Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Let them have their pot!!!

I too am so excited that Obama won the race and will be our next president. I really hope that he is able to make some changes for the better. And yes, the state of Michigan did legalize the medicinal use of marijuana!

I LOVE Lane Bryant's Right Fit pant line. I was never able to buy pants that fit me appropriately. They either fit me in the legs and were super tight around the waist (producing that really sexy tire look) or they fit around in the waist and they are baggy in the ass (producing that really sexy I just dropped a load look). I have absolultey no figure so the yellow straight cut pants are PERFECT! It has taken some getting used to when it comes to the sizes and I really, REALLY dislike the variation of size between colors though. It's a bit disheartening to know that someone who weighs 50 pounds more than me wears the same size of jeans as me simply because I wear the yellow (the smallest cut) and she wears a red. It's not really a huge deal but just something to think about.

So, I have been very, very naughty this week. Work has been stressing me out because people are have been so cranky. The bitchiness is such a downer for me because I'm generally a happy go lucky kind of gal. I've definitly been drowning my sorrows in food. Also, my period is late so I'm having terrible cravings. I have decided to do a fast tomorrow. I feel like I really need to get back to a truly hungry state. I know that some people are really against fasting but every once in a while it's kind of refreshing. I need to get my ass back in gear and I think this will be a great way do it.

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