Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History has been made!!!

Hello...well I'm thrilled that Barack Obama has won the presidency. I really hope this initiates some change in our country next year because our nation obviously needs it badly. Did Michigan legalize pot Nicole? I wish Iowa voted about cool stuff like that.

So I have done a rotten job of journaling my food intake. I cannot remember the last time I wrote down my point usage so that means for weeks I don't know how much I'm eating throughout the day. I do listen to my hunger though so that helps me stop eating at night when I'm not truly hungry. Being that I'll have less points to use as I lose weight I think it's important to keep track of food intake well so I'm not allowing myself extra snacks. I know I'm going to reach a plateau before I lose my first 20 lbs so I really need to establish some control. However I am conflicted about journaling. I took a class last year that focused on normal eating. The instructor had major issues with Weight Watchers because writing down everything you eat is not normal. But I've justified so much snacking and non-hunger related eating over the years so I feel its important for me to look at what I'm putting into my body each day.

So here's a question about Lane Bryant...what do you think about them changing the size chart for jeans and pants last year? I for the most part don't like it. I have a hard time remembering my size now as well as what color I am. I appreciate that they have designed different styles of pants since women come in different shapes and sizes but I don't see what was wrong with the normal size chart. By changing the size range from 0-7 (or whatever it is) it makes me think that the store is trying to make women feel better by fooling them with a smaller number instead of them seeing a size 20. I thought about it a lot when I was buying an outfit for a wedding last month. I'd feel more satisfaction if I saw myself moving from a size 20 to a size 18 rather than a size 5 to 4.

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