Saturday, November 8, 2008

Slackers all...

Jenny, I'm calling us out. I feel that we have been slackers on our blog and our eating the last half of this week! I know that last night we were both nursing our emotions by eating things that were probably not the greatest things to be eating. However, today is a different day and we've nursed our wounds and now we MUST move on!

First and foremost a little's always good form to begin on a positive note! You seem to have good control of your eating for this stage in the game. Sure there are mishaps but for the most part you are making healthier choices and eating at appropriate times. I'm also doing well with the exception of about 2 days per week...which I'm working on. We're still in the initial stages of this and considering the fact that neither one of us has given up we're doing better than expected. Over 50% of people drop out of exercise/diet plans in this initial stage...I remember from Dr. Franke's class...we are WAY above the cut! Kudos to us! There is still a long journey ahead of us but at least we're on the right road and pointed in the right direction!

Now, I feel compelled to address an issue that we have both skirted around since we started this blog and concurrently our lifestyle change. Phyiscal activity. We've both noted the fact that we need to engage in more physical activity, which couldn't be anymore true. However, my dear, I don't think that we've actually mustered up enough gumption to make this a permanant part of our daily routines (I know I haven't and from our talks it doesn't sound like you have either). As lifestly change and blog buddies we need to come up with a way to effectively encourage one another to get our asses off the couch and do some exercise. Now, I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing (I tend to be a glass is half-full kinda girl myself) but due to our current physical conditions small, regular increases in physical activity will allow us to see weight loss. If you've ever had the privillege of reading studies that concerned training (whether it be cardio, weight, balance, flexibilitly etc.) those who have more room for improvement will see more change much more quickly (initially at least). If we can find a way to motivate ourselves to engage in activity I don't think we would see such platueauing in our weight loss attempts. More importantly, if this is truly a lifestlye change and not just a diet, making daily physical activity a part of our lives is something that will make us healthier and happier in 50 years. I don't know about you but I would love to be one of those 76 year olds who is still raising hell.

So, lets put our thinking caps on about this. There has to be a way that we can hold eachother accountable for activity even with this crazy distance. Hell, I'll go out and buy a headset for my phone and a Richard Simmons DVD for us both and we can sweat to the oldies together!

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