Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good news and thanksgiving!

Hey ladies. I hope that your weekends are going well and that you've had success with eating, exercising and/or life in general. I'm still working hard to reach my goal of being under 300 by new years and let me tell you I had a great experience this morning. I usually don't weigh myself more than once a week but I was curious this morning. I struggled all day yesterday trying to only eat when I was truly hungry. It's not always easy to resist (I'm sure you know that feeling all too well). Although temptation was there, I have oreos, wheat thins, peppermint bark and a cinnamon crunch bagel from panera in my apartment right now, I was able to behave myself. Before I got in the shower this morning I decided that I'd step on the scale just to see what it said; much to my surprise I was at 305! I haven't been able to get below 307 since we've started blogging and working with eachother. I was so happy. I know for the average person weighing 305 pounds wouldn't be an exciting event but it means that the hard work and LOADS of self-discipline are working. This bit of good news came at just the right time also. I was feeling really frustrated last night because of the cravings I'd been having lately (it's been especially bad the last 2 weeks because my period is that far overdue and my hormones are all out of whack) and even though I overcame the desire to gorge on everything here it was so hard some of the time. I will be totally honest with you, when I have that strong of a desire to do something I know is bad I almost feel a bit pathetic, more than a bit in all actuality. I can't believe that I've let food develop such a hold on me. Of course this type of thinking turns into a viscious cycle...I'm upset so I eat to console myself and then I develop a stronger bond with food, then I gain weight and then I get even more upset...see where I'm going with this? Anyway, getting a little closer to my first real, numeric goal is really, really invigorating! I've done really well with eating today, I'm actually getting hungry right now and will have a snack when I get done typing this message. I also got in a 25 minute workout. It's not a hardcore workout by any means but I got my heart rate up and did some light resistance training. They say every journey starts with a single step, I guess I'll have to add some more steps in here soon though if I want the journey to continue.

So, good news covered now onto thanksgiving. In this blog we are focusing on, quite possibly, the biggest struggle in our lives at the moment...our weight. I know that it is so easy to get discouraged and frustrated and see the negative in things. I do it, we all do. So, to get in the spirit of things I think it would be nice for us to think about the things that we are truly thankful for and share these thoughts with eachother. If you'd like to, sometime before Wed (that's when I leave and I'll no longer have internet access until I'm back in Michigan) let me know what you're thankful for (Leann, if you'd like to do this you can comment on our blog or post it on yours).

Alright ladies...back to laundry and packing.


1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Congrats again!! It's hard to not give in to cravings, I think we've all figured that out. I did give in last night but it wasn't outrageous so I forgave myself. I'm thankful this Thanksgiving for supportive friends and family, and for my growing independence (long story kind've). Hope you have a good Thanksgiving!! Probably will be seeing each other this weekend so we can blog in person. :)