Saturday, November 22, 2008

Disappointed but not discouraged!

Well ladies....I don't know what the hell I was thinking last night! We went to Panera to hang out with a friend. Gavin and I got supper there.....I had a bowl of my usual cheddar broccoli soup and half of a turkey artichoke panini. I made sure to drink water instead of getting my desired hot chocolate. We ran some errands afterwards. Rented some movies and I had to buy ink cartridges for my stupid printer. Well I had a craving for ice cream so I went to the ice cream store designed by the devil: Coldstone Creamery. I was kind of proud of Gavin though. He got ice cream for the first time. He usually gets sorbet and barely eats it. He got a "Love It" size of chocolate with oreo. I also got a "love it" size of coffee ice cream with almonds added. But to top it off, we were sent home with samples of their new ice cream pies.

So we came home and ate our ice cream and started watching movies. I proceeded to eat a container of chili. I also munched on some cheese. I kept thinking I had to eat so I mindlessly snacked. Grrr. After working this morning, Gavin and I went to "The Cafe". I just felt like going out to eat again. I knew I could make something good at home but nope...let's spend some money I don't have. I got their Mac 'n Cheese and almost ate it all. I felt so horrible because I ate too much. I serious felt ill when we drove home. But that's not the worst of it. I bought dessert and brought it home. I just ate 1/4 of it. I saw the tiramisu and thought I'd like to eat it later. It tastes good but I could have done without. At least I didn't scarf it all down.

Weight Watcher's warns people to watch out for binging or careless eating during holiday weeks. Even though I'm aware that it happens, I still let myself eat unwisely in the last 24 hours. I'm so disappointed. But hey, I will count my points the rest of the day and for the days up to Thanksgiving. I also HAVE to listen to my hunger. I'm overeating and my body is telling me to knock it off by making me feel sick. I wasn't even very hungry at lunch and I tried to eat the whole meal. Grrr again!

I am better than this! I know I can maintain my weight this week!


project.100.gone said...

Stay strong Jenny. I know that the holidays and even the days leading up to them are hard for everyone. Pay attention to your hunger and avoid temptation whenever possible! Good can do it!!!

LeAnn said...

Well, I am not sure what to say on this one because you already realized your problem and admitted to it. I could "tsk, tsk" or encourage you to get back on track but only you can do it. I think you did fine on Sunday so hopefully you listened better. I'm not sure Mexican food is helpful in any circumstances in eating healthy or dieting. Point to ponder. We might need to watch each other on Thursday.