Sunday, November 16, 2008

Living and learning some more.....

Well, I'm unhappy with my eating since Friday. I rewarded myself on Thursday since I lost weight. Thursday is typically the day when I use some of my extra points. (weight watchers gives you an extra 35 points to use as you wish during the week in addition to your daily points.) I did very well all throughout Friday night until I ate some cookie dough later in the night. Yesterday (Saturday) sucked in regards to my willpower. I did fine in the morning but overate slightly at lunch. I felt like I needed to polish off some tuna casserole. We went out of town for the rest of the day and ate at a diner. Part of me wanted to just get the salad bar but I saw that a lot of the salads had mayo in them (pasta salads, etc.) plus the only soup they offered was cheddar broccoli. So, I went with my gut since I was hungry and got chicken tenders with.......french fries! The meal also came with salad bar so still ate some of the not so good choices offered. I knew I shouldn't get the fries but I did and oh god they were good. Well, apparently the meal (primarily the french fries) is like a gateway food for me because I came home and kept eating. I know I went way over my 35 point daily limit for Weight Watchers. I wasn't necessarily eating junk food but I kept munching on cheese curds, fiber one bars, etc. Blah.

I did okay today though. I wrote down my food intake. I'm so happy that I bought some sour dough bread, turkey, and veggies for sandwiches because they have been so filling yet low in points. So back to Saturday.....I mentioned that french fries are a gateway food. Hehe, kind of like a gateway drug. It's like when I eat them....I lose all focus and say "oh screw it" and eat what I want and eat way too much! Basically any kind of appetizer sets me off.....cheese balls, nachos, etc. If I eat something yummy like that, it triggers me to keep eating like that throughout the meal (and after). Further proof that I need to avoid those foods for awhile until I have more control and a better handle on my eating behavior. I don't want to shut those foods out forever but I obviously can't indulge until managing my portions is habitual.

So are there any foods that do this to you? Anything that triggers unhealthy eating?


LeAnn said...

I think we're all guilty in letting some bad foods push us to overeat or eat more of the unhealthy foods. I read/heard that pop, whether it's diet or not, usually encourages us to desire sweet things. I have really been trying to not drink any pop this week and it's gone really well. I stick to coffee for caffeine. I still have a sweet tooth that I need to control though. Sweets and cheese somehow work their way into my daily meals. I need to pay more attention to what I am choosing to eat. It doesn't help that I have a container of strawberry frosting just sitting in my cabinet. Anywho, we live and learn. I should probably throw out the frosting or use on a cake and give the cake away. Ha.

project.100.gone said...

Leann, you should make cupcakes and leave 2 or 3 for you and give the rest away. Then you won't be tempted to eat them all but you still get to treat yourself (cupcakes freeze really well and you can pull one out for a treat once in a while).