Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm listening to Christmas music and if you don't like it......piss off!

Well today is a good day. I ran! I went running! If you don't believe hamstrings will vouch for it. I'm in some pain but it's worthwhile. Yippee for exercise!

I also went to Weight Watcher's this morning. I have lost 2.2 lbs this week! Journaling my food intake always seems to be a pain in the ass but it's really helping me out. I wish I could embrace it better and not treat it like such a chore. I did my usual reward and got a bowl of Wisconsin Cheese soup along with my deli sandwich for lunch. I might get a small taco pizza tonight from Happy Joe's for supper too. I was tempted to get a medium but come on! Gavin isn't a huge fan (he'll probably have one piece) and I don't need all that food. A small is plenty big and plenty expensive.

I have to commend Nicole on her recent postings. You are a great motivator. I wish I had your energy! I felt much better immediately after reading your recent blog entry. Blogging was such a great idea, I'm so grateful that we do it.

I relate to the situation you described.....going home and starving at the same time. I'm kind of a dork and found a way to remedy that in Ames. I avoid certain streets when driving around after work. I don't let myself go down Lincoln Way so I don't see the signs for Taco John's or any other tasty place. I try to go directly home on residential streets so I don't see visual temptations. I just hate that Jimmy John's is so close to our apartment. I tend to crave their #3 (tuna) and it's high in fat and calories since it has mayo in it. And very wise on the afternoon snack....hopefully that continues to curb your hunger in the evening. Did you know those Fiber One bars are offered at Wal-Mart? A box of 5 is $2.00 and a box of 10 is around $4.50 which I have found is a lot cheaper than most grocery stores. I decided to live a little and bought the strawberry and peanut butter flavors today.

I was impressed with the discussion at Weight Watcher's today. The leader worked football into the message. She immediately grasped my attention. She basically said that success starts with a huddle. You have to communicate with those important to you for support in order to pursue your goal. I guess this blog is part of the huddle. Next she said that you must stick to your game plan. For WW, this means I have to continue journaling my food intake. It also means you continue to do what works....bringing an afternoon snack, not eating out as much, exercising, etc. We all fumble. We all screw up, slip up, snack too much, and don't exercise as much as we should. But like football, we have to grab the ball (our goal) and continue to run in the right direction despite fumbling. Too many people fumble once or twice and think "oh screw it" and don't allow themselves to work through the TEMPORARY failure. With that being said, you must keep your eye on the goal. Despite obstacles, distractions, holidays, must remember your short term and long term goals. And finally, believe in your abilities and never quit.

I have started listening to Christmas music already. Yes, I know we haven't had Thanksgiving yet. But I find it soothing, calming, and relaxing. It's nice background noise for me. I've gotten a lot of shit for it lately but it could be worse. I can think of much worse music to be listening to. Happy eating and exercising!


LeAnn said...

I'm actually going to comment on the Christmas music. Surprisingly, I find music as an interesting motivator. When working out it keeps me going, when I'm emotional it helps, especially when that emotion is anger. I find Christmas music as hopeful, happy - stupid I know but interesting nonetheless.
Kudos on the 2.2 lbs gone. It's good to reward yourself but be careful. If you reward yourself all the time or everytime then you might get too used to it - if that makes sense. Too much rewarding and ruin the very reason you are rewarding yourself. Lastly, because I am running out of time, major kudos on the running/jogging. It's something that I really want to get doing. Question - is it possible to run outdoors in the winter? Would it work?

project.100.gone said...

Hey, it's Jenny responding to LeAnn's comments. I only reward myself on Thursdays IF and only IF I lose weight that week. It's back to my usual food every other day of the week.

I am afraid to run outdoors in the winter when it's slick out. I cannot suffer another serious hamstring injury. I always seem to find the ice and I fall or pull a muscle. But if the ground is safe, I don't see the trouble as long as long as you're careful with sweating too. I know some people don't bundle up very well and they get chilled due to the sweat on their skin. It's a delicate balance though since you don't want to overheat either.