Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gotta love daylight savings time!!!

Happy daylight savings ladies (and a late happy halloween too!). Due to th fact that my body thought it was an hour later than it actually was I have been up since 7:30 this morning...go me. While there are a lot of people who I know that would be very frustrated by this I find it quite invigorating! I truly enjoy the early'ish' morning hours and like the quiet time. Even though I live alone I still feel that these hours are a little bit quiter than the others. I never turn on the t.v. or radio. I just spend time doing some things for myself (have a cup of coffee, check up on my news websites, take a long shower etc).

Last week was a bumpy week for me. I did a lot of things well and I did some things that were not all that great. I will share my Thursday with you as a prime example. Thursday morning I got up and headed to work. I was hungry when I got there so I did my first-thing-in-the-morning duties at work and then I headed off to grab my breakfast (a banana and cup of coffee). It was a slow day at work and I had not gotten enough sleep the night before so I kept myself awake and coherent by drinking lots and lots of coffee...yummy, but it makes me not want to eat. Lunch time rolled around and I simply had no interest in eating the soup I brought for I didn't (which is the number one rule...don't eat if you're not hungry!). Because I had eaten approximately 150 calories all day I decided that I could splurge on dinner and go out. Well all I wanted was guacamole so I decided to hit up's a restaurant similar to a Chipotle/Poncheros only WAY better! I got a burritor and chips and guac. Now, calorie wise I was still within a standard daily allotment...infact for the day I probably ended up around 1600 claories which is a number that I should be around now. However, knowing this made me justify eating the WHOLE DAMN THING!!!! It was WAY to much food for me. I was sick all night.

Ever since we've started this blog and I've been paying more attention to how I feel before I eat, what I eat and how I feel after eating I have come to some conclusions.
A) I still eat when I'm bored, lonely and emotional...Jenny your tip from WW (if hunger isn't the problem then food isn't the answer) is helping but I still struggel here.
B) When I eat for hunger I tend to crave and desire healthier, homecooked foods. When I eat for appetite I want crap.
C) I LOVE Chinese food. I crave it more than I crave any other bad-for-me food. I always, ALWAYS feel shitty after eating it. Even if I eat a normal portion. I think it's just too greasy for my stomach to handle.
D) I NEVER feel sick if I don't over eat.

I didn't weigh myself this weekend because mother nature is taking over and I think it would be disheartening to weigh myself right before menstruation (I spelled it correctly just for you Leann)! I've actually decided that to avoid monthly fluctuations in weight that I will refrain from weighing myself every week and do it on a monthly schedule that coordinates with this special time of month. If I do it one week after every month I can't justify weight gain on hormones!

Alright ladies...enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope that you have a wonderful week! Stay strong!


project.100.gone said...

I wish I shared your appreciation for early mornings. I'm worthless before 8am. Heck I'm worthless before 10am on most days. I honestly thought (when I was younger) that I'd grow up some day and be able to wake up at 6am and function well like most adults. I'm still waiting for that magical day.

I totally understand how you feel about your burrito experience. Some times I actually dread going out to eat because I know I won't feel very good after I eat because I'll overeat DESPITE what I know about my hunger and body. I'm actually starting to not want to go to Hickory Park (which is a crime) because I never feel good when I leave. I'm actually very happy that Gavin and I are not having guests or traveling much in the next month because that means less eating out.

Here's to a good week of healthy living!

LeAnn said...

I love Chinese food too but I don't even remember the last time I ate Chinese food which is good and bad. I've been fighting the temptation to order delivery Chinese lately, I probably shouldn't indulge. I have to agree with my sister that I have never been a morning person so kudos on using those morning hours. Lately I have felt so gross, basically feeling fat and wanting to wear sweats all the time. I decided to sacrifice some of my Tues & Thurs morning hours to going for a run/jog/walk. I am buying way healthy food too so I can limit eating the easy junk food. I made two sandwiches for work today, one for breakfast and one for lunch - white bun, turkey breast, light miracle whip, and lettuce. I'm proud of myself. Plus last after work I had a snack of broccoli and cauliflower. I really need to stay away from sweets and junk food in general. Sorry to comment more on my life than your blog but I wanted to write something. Thanks for paying attention to spelling - I'm a stickler! Good luck with your week.