Monday, April 18, 2011

Madame Plateau is an unkind mistress...

Bitch! I have been anxiously waiting to be able to blog that I finally reached my next weight loss milestone but it continues to elude me despite good exercise and eating habits. It's starting to really drive me nuts but there isn't much I can do about it besides keep plugging away. I knew that I wasn't going to maintain the rate of loss that I've had over the last few months. My first 40 pounds came off relatively fast. I was sort of hoping to be able to make it over the 50 pound mark before I hit a big wall but apparently that's not going to happen. I've been sitting at 47 ish pounds lost for the last 2 weeks. I'm not gaining, but I'm not losing either. It's disheartening when I take the time and energy to make good choices and get my butt moving and then not be compensated by seeing the needle on the scale edge down just a bit...well, it's a digital scale but you know what I mean!

This is the point in the past where I would generally give up and decide that it's just not going to happen for me. I'm just not meant to be thinner than I am. However, I can't fall into that mindset this time. Fortunately for me I have about 5 months of habit built up and it's helping me to stay focused, even as I think that I should just say in bed and sleep instead of working out. Eh, I could whine but I'll spare you that.

On a happier note I got new running shoes last week, although I have no intentions of wearing them for exercise :) I've never kept my workout athletic shoes separate from everyday athletic shoes. I know you're supposed to I just never worked out routinely enough for it to matter. Now that I do, it's a much bigger deal. I can't wear my workout shoes to work after exercising in the morning if for no other reason than I sweat when I'm exercising and I don't want to wear hot and sweaty shoes to work (a pleasant picture, I know). Anyway, I got my shoes and they're all black, silver and shiny...I love them. They were originally over $100 and I got them for $60..yay for deals! Anyway, once I started wearing them I realized how beat up my actual running shoes were so I decided to order another pair and guess what...they were marked down even further. I ordered another pair, for exercising for $25! SCORE! They should be here tomorrow.

I have also discovered the delight of Skinny Cow desserts. I don't know if you're familiar with Skinny Cow but it's a company that makes low fat ice cream and ice cream novelties. I've always been skeptical, assuming that they would taste like crap and be full of artificial sweeteners. I was wrong on both counts. The mint chocolate ice cream sandwiches I got taste like heaven and they have real sugar! All of the treats come in single serving portions (bars, sandwiches, ice cream cups) and are between 100-150 calories. They are a bit more expensive than your average Joe treat but I think they're worth it, especially coming up on the summer months. If you like ice cream, you should give Skinny Cow a won't even know you're eating healthy!

Lastly, I have herbs! I'm going to try and grow an herb container garden this summer on my patio. I stared with sees and everything but the parsley has sprouted. I can't wait until the plants get a little bigger and I can transplant them. I'm really hoping for an abundance fresh oregano, basil, dill, thyme and parsley this summer!

OK, I think that's it for now. I hope you ladies are having a wonderful week. Take care!


project.100.gone said...

Plateaus are a bitch I agree. I haven't experienced one for quite some time but I do recall the frustration years ago. But like you said, at least you have months of healthy habits so you stick with your "program". Fact of the matter is that something has got to give. And we all know that your devotion to change won't be the thing that's your metabolism that will have to budge.

I also get so excited about new tennis shoes. I don't think I can buy new ones any time soon so luckily I have a new pair that's been in my closet for a year unused. Not sure what I was thinking when I bought them....I don't think they are very attractive anymore but fortunately they are super comfortable.

I have seen the Skinny Cow products at both Walmart and HyVee I think. I haven't been in a big ice cream mood lately so I've not shopped in that aisle lately. I have also seen coupons in the paper so maybe I'll start cutting them in the event I desire a cold treat.

Hopefully all your herbs grow well. Now that I enjoy cooking more, I can definitely see the benefits with having fresh herbs on hand. Whenever I have a garden....or maybe the ambition to grow things on my balcony I am considering some herbs too. I suck at remembering to water things on the balcony though. Ask Gavin's tree from last year. (It's dead.)

LeAnn said...

BITCH! I just had a fantastic comment and it didn't save! I am ready to blow a gasket. Crap. Now, I am trying to remember what I so fantastically said. I think 47 pounds lost is amazing. I understand that the plateau is a bummer, but you should be so proud of where you are. My advice is not let it get you down. Your body is testing you - don't let it win. Keep up with what you are doing and your body will give in!

Yay for new shoes. It sounds like you got some good deals as well. Win-win! I won't let myself get new workout shoes until I lose some weight (the whole reward idea). By not wearing them to work or outside, you are making them "special." I've been tempted to wear them to school or outside, but I haven't given in. It's good that you are happy with them, buying new shoes or clothing isn't always a happy ending. New workout capris and new shoes means you'll be working out in style!

I have heard of Skinny Cow, but I have yet to try it. I'll keep it in mind to try. I wish I would have read your blog before going to the grocery store. I don't know a darn thing about herbs. I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out growing your own, maybe save some $$. After reading some of your blogs and recipes, I have come to believe that I need to take a cooking class.

By the way, loved your eye-grabbing word at the beginning of your blog. LOL!

Nicole said...

Blogger is starting to piss me off...we have all written nice long posts in the last few weeks and then it ate our words. Boo!

p.s. sometimes you need a little vocab bling to get the job done!