Monday, April 25, 2011

I made it!

Yay!! Lent is over and I made it! No snooze button for 40 mornings and I lived to tell the tale! I won't lie, I was sorely tempted to fall into the old habit this morning when I had nothing forcing me to get up but alas, I didn't! My step-mom was just telling me yesterday that it takes 21 days to form a habit (which is a much debated number). I don't know if she's right or not but apparently 40 days will get me out of the habit of snoozing in the morning.

I had a nice weekend. I got all of my bridal shower invites addressed, stamped and mailed out and Karla and I had a nice, long conversation about her shower and bachelorette party and I think things are coming along quite well. I also made belated phone calls to my dad, step-dad and grandpa and was able to catch up with them. It sounds like my grandpa has been doing well since my grandma's passing last month but he's having a hard time sleeping. I can't wait to see him next month, it sounds like he could use the company.

I'm still stuck in plateau world and hating it. It's just very frustrating that I'm doing what I need to do and I still can't lose any more. It's even more frustrating right now because I'm approaching the time of month where I am going to be retaining water and my weight is going to go! At least I know what's going on so it shouldn't be too disheartening. I've been trying to figure out what I've been doing differently these last few weeks that has brought my weight loss to a standstill. The only thing I can think of is that I stopped taking my vitamins when they ran out. I don't know that it makes that much of a difference but I've decided to start taking them again. I guess I'll have to see how it goes.

Seems how the numbers on my scale aren't moving, I've tried to focus on other changes that are taking place that are tangible proof that my effort is not all for naught. I've noticed that my clavicles are becoming more and more noticeable. It might seem like a silly thing but I haven't seen them in a long time and just the hint that is starting to show is super exciting. I've also noticed that I sit differently in my car. I had to move my seat higher and further forward because there isn't as much cushion in my thighs and derriere and I was too far away and much too low in the car. It's odd but kind of cool. Most importantly, I'm starting to really fit into some of my smaller pants so I can stop wearing the really baggy ones! Yay for being a pack rat!

Well, I think that's it for now. I am going to be trying a new chicken dish this week that has artichoke hearts in it...never cooked with them before. I can't wait to whip it up and report the results (it looks amazing in the cookbook)! I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend and are ready for the week ahead.


LeAnn said...

Wow. I have been hitting the snooze a lot lately. It's a dangerous button. It takes me a long time to overcome a habit. I have a feeling it would have to be a month to two months. I would imagine a shower and bachelorette party would take some planning. I haven't had to plan either of those, so good luck! I still haven't been a big part of any wedding. I was the personal attendant once, but I don't feel like I did much. I ran the guest book once - not much there. I am in charge of the guest book again this July; I don't think it will be a big deal. Anyway . . .

Jenny and I are grandpa-less, so we are jealous of your grandpa time. I always need to catch up on calling people, but I am lazy. Sometimes I despise or dread the calls that I know will be an hour long. It's really selfish of me, but it's true. I'm a busy woman, so it's hard for me to devote so much time to one phone call. I love doing it when I have a long drive ahead of me though.

Don't let the plateau win! Seeing more clavicle is a good sign, as well as the seat in your car. The smaller pants is awesome! It's the little things as well as the large things that make a difference. Maybe you're losing fat but gaining muscle, which is causing your pounds lost to halt for a while. Your body is just trying to figure itself out.

Thanks for the recipes!

project.100.gone said...

Well the transtheoretical model of behavior change states that a behavior must be modified for at least 6 months before you move into the "maintanence stage" and the behavior is considered habitual.

The snooze button is an issue some sucks that I have two alarms therefore 2 snooze buttons.

I'm with LeAnn...I'm not horribly knowledgeable about planning wedding stuff. I've been a bridesmaid once but didn't do much. I showed up to stuff and that was about it. Made sure I had a dress and that it fit. Your sister's wedding is sneaking up fast.

After I started reading about the plateau in your life, I immediately thought to myself "I wonder what non-number related successes she's having?" I'm glad you mentioned the change in your body and car seat. It's too bad you didn't take circumference measurements...I bet those are still changing. Hopefully the restart of vitatmins can help too.