Monday, April 4, 2011

Do you remember when exercise was fun?

Happy day 4 ladies (or Monday if you prefer)! I am happy to report that I have, so far, been successful in my attempt to get 365 days of exercise. Granted, I'm only 4 days in but it's a good start I think. This weekend I was talking to Jessica on the phone telling her about my goal and she has decided that she really needs to up the ante when it comes to physical activity too. She really hates to go and workout so she recently bought a Kayak and new bike so she can not only get active, but she can have fun while she's shedding weight.

Fun is an interesting concept. I don't hate my workouts. In fact, I've really enjoy my early morning sweat sessions over these last few months. While I feel comfortable saying that I've enjoyed them, I can honestly say that I haven't had fun while doing them. I like the way I feel while I'm working out and I like the feeling of accomplishment after my workout is completed. I most especially love the results that consistent exercise and good eating have produced. However, try as I might I just don't have fun working out.

Do you remember how much fun physical activity was when we were younger? I loved riding my bike, running around, playing kickball, flying kites, swimming...honestly, as long as I was moving I was content. How is it possible to go from loving everything to not being able to motivate myself to get moving? I truly think that part of my problem is that I don't have someone to do this kind of stuff with out here in Michigan. So many of the things I want to do require at least one other person. Also, company makes most activities more fun. I remember when we were at Luther Jessica and I used to take long walks all of the time. It was a pretty safe bet that if the weather was decent we would be out almost every night for a few mile stroll. Yes, it was at a leisurely pace but we were still out there moving.

Anyway, instead of lamenting the past I need to find ways to move forward. I think that in order to be truly successful at my goal of 365 days of physical activity I need to find fun ways to get my bones moving. I've been looking online for ideas but now I'll put this question out to you. What are some of the fun ways that you get physical activity? Any creative ideas for a little extra activity throughout the day? Any ideas would be welcome.

OK, I think that's it for now. I have some promising looking chicken recipes for this week so hopefully they'll pass muster and I'll be able to share them with you. Have a great week ladies!


gavsmom said...

Grrr....I wrote a fantastic and long comment and the blog decided to produce an error message and erase it!

I actually just lectured on this topic for one of the PE classes. We talked about what criteria need to be present for a kiddo to adapt an activity into becoming lifetime in nature. Fun was a primary criterion.

I recall many fun activities when I was young. Softball was so fun until I got to high school and a coach ruined it for me. I loved the traveling team and evening co-ed league I played on when I was a teenager. I remember running around and playing all the time in our first neighborhood in Waukon. (Back when it was safe to run a muck and not be kidnapped)

College introduced me to things like disc golf and good ol tennis! I really really miss playing tennis. I know how it feels to not have someone around that can participate with you. LeAnn needs to visit me or vice versa so we can play tennis for a day.

Does your community have a Parks and Rec program? I just got the catalog for Ames' program in the summer. They have a crazy amount of activities, classes, etc. It's relatively affordable too since I am a resident. They even have classes geared towards weight loss. I'm considering the adult singles tennis league in Ankeny. I'm not fond of the set-up though. It requires you to contact other people in the league and set-up matches. I'd rather have the Rec department tell me where and when to meet and play.

There's your homework....check out the Park & Rec program :)

project.100.gone said...

It's funny, I was going to mention the parks and rec thing. I was looking at it over the weekend but they have a lot more for kids and seniors than adults. I don't know if they just assume adults are too busy running their kids and seniors all over the place but it's sort of frustrating. I was thinking about maybe getting into a beginners tennis thing but they don't have a league, just practices. I don't know if I'm wanting that. They do have an adult kickball team that seems intriguing but you have to have teams for that...I might try and scrounge a couple of people up for that.

LeAnn said...

Having fun is just hard to do these days. Of course, if working out were fun, more would do it. I think there are little things to do that help - music, having people come along or join you. Jason and his buddy Shawn usually work out when they hang out, and they try to do fun things. They play with the medicine ball, throw the football, play tennis, etc. It's actually surprising, but they also counter it with video games, movies, and going out to eat. I actually do enjoy playing tennis - but it's hard to find someone to play with, especially at my amateur level. I think Jenny and I discovered that the Wii video game Just Dance 2 is a lot of fun and is a work out. I was so sore after two hours of playing it and I almost peed my pants laughing. No joke. Part of the problem with some of these activities is the need for people. If I am jogging or using the elliptical, I am fine on my own. But the fun stuff requires people.

Being active as a kid is more fun and easier to do - there are more activities possible and usually plenty of other kids to join with. I did the summer t-ball and softball (non-school), swimming lessons, played with the neighbor kids, climbed trees, played tag, rode my bike, went to the pool, and so on. I feel like adult stuff is more private and it depends on who you know. I would have LOVED to be on a volleyball team during college, but I didn't know anyone already on one, so I never got to. Even now with card club or bowling clubs or other stuff, if you don't know people who do them, it's really hard to get on a team or in the club. Maybe it'll get better as I get to know more people.

Good luck! I really rambled on this one, sorry!