Friday, April 29, 2011

Fascinated by Fascinators...

Happy Friday, and what a glorious Friday it is! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and I have lemon raspberry cream bars to eat...I shall only eat one, promise!

When I woke up this morning I did what I always do, turned on the TV to get my latest fix of the news. However, all of the news channels were broadcasting the royal wedding instead of their normal morning shows. Personally, I was OK with this fact. Lately the new has been really depressing. Between all of the political unrest in the Middle East, the storms which devastated our South and the fact that financially we're going to hell in a hand basket there isn't much to uplift the spirits most days of the week. However, today was a nice reminder that no matter how crappy things are some times, there is still love, joy and hope in the world, and quite frankly, I like that!

Personally I thought Kate looked lovely, her dress was simple and elegant but very beautiful. It actually reminded me of the dress 2 of my aunts and 1 of my cousin's wore when they got married. It was also very apparent that she and William love each other dearly, and I don't care who you are...royal common or somewhere in between, there isn't anything more important that you can ask for on your wedding day. The whole thing, well what I saw of it between showering, brushing my teeth, drying my hair etc. was so exquisitely colorful, and the hats...don't even get me started. I was fascinated. Not only did every single woman there have something on her head, some of them were like artwork! I realize that outside of the Kentucky Derby and Lady Gaga most American women don't appreciate the fine art of millinery but I loved them all...even the horrible ones! Granted, I will never attend an event so formal that I will ever get to wear on but I bet I could rock it!

Besides being excited by hats, I am also stoked about the truly delightful lemon raspberry cream bars I made last night. One of my many responsibilities for Karla's shower is being in charge of the food. I've asked a few ladies in the family to pitch in small items here and there but I'm doing a large portion of the food. Included in this is 2 pans of bars that I need to make. Of course I have tons of recipes to choose from, things that have been taste tested in the past, but I'm apparently a masochist and want to try new, more 'springy' bars. The first of which are these sweet and tangy lemon raspberry bars. They are incredibly easy to make and I think they are very tasty. However, I need to get input from a larger audience, therefore I brought them to work today (this also gets them out of my apartment)! Only one person snuck a bar this morning but she said they were delightful...yay! I'll post the recipe just in case you need a spring recipe for something. Just a heads up, they are not healthy but they are so worth the calories!

Anyway that's all I have. My spicy black bean burger is beckoning me...I have to make up for the lemon raspberry bar that I had for breakfast :) Have a great weekend ladies!

1 comment:

project.100.gone said...

I thought Kate's dress was pretty. I wasn't thrilled about her bodice since her boobs were following a trend set by Madonna. Boobs aren't supposed to be pointy ladies.

I haven't seen the ceremony, not sure if I'll watch it. I did watch Princess Di and Price Charles' wedding last week since they showed it on TLC. What surprises me is how some of Prince William's mannerisms match his mother's. They both have/had a humble way of bowing down their head or nodding at times.

It was nice to see England have a such a strong turnout for the wedding. Some media sources made it sound like the country wasn't as excited as they were in the 80's. It would be interesting to see a president get married during term to see how our country reacts to that.