Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mr. Insomnia is not my friend...

This isn't going to be long but I just wanted to tell you guys that getting up at 4:50 is not a lot of fun when you don't get to sleep until after midnight. I don't know what's going on but I am having terrible issues sleeping lately. Granted, I never sleep well but I'm going through a particularly rough patch right now.

When my alarm went off this morning I was so tired and I couldn't even imagine getting out of bed and working out so I decided to reset my alarm for 6:00 and get up then. Of course, I started to feel guilty after resetting my alarm so I decided to just get out of bed and go exercise.

When I got to the gym I was pleasantly surprised, our management staff had finally fixed the broken treadmills!! I know that they didn't fix the treadmills for my personal use, but I certainly felt like I was being rewarded for my good decision. It will certainly be easier for me to motivate myself knowing that my treadmill is back!!

So yeah, 5 days down...360 to go!!


gavsmom said...

That chicken recipe sounds tasty btw. I may give that one a whirl soon since I have a lot of frozen chicken breast to use.

Sorry to hear about your sleeping woes. It's never cool when you're body won't shut down and let you get some quality zzzzs. I am still having a tough time falling asleep. I can feel exhausted and completely worn out and still lie there awake for hours.

Happy day for the treadmills though! I impressed by your ability to still get up and exercise despite a lack of sleep.

Nicole said...

The chicken is good. I think it would be really tasty with some mushrooms thrown in too...granted, I like to add mushrooms to everything I can :)

LeAnn said...

My sleeping patterns have definitely altered this spring. There are a lot more stresses and such to keep the mind going. I too am impressed that you still went to exercise. I don't think I have the discipline. It's good that you got a perk (treadmills) for your troubles.

Keep up the good exercising and good luck with the sleeping.