Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

I sometimes find it hard to blog. It's not that I don't want to sign on and share things with you but I sometimes feel that I just have nothing new to say. Right now life isn't too terribly exciting and I hate to just log on and ramble for a while and then expect you to take your time reading it. Your schedules are hectic and you have much better things to do with your time! So, instead of droning on today, I am just going to share a few random things that have been making me happy recently!

1. Netflix. I recently watch the BBC miniseries North & South on instant view and it made me very happy. I love British period romance (I'm so not a girly girl but I LOVE these kind of movies) and this has all of the elements that I love. A powerful female lead, a good hearted male lead with a tough exterior. They fall in love but something is keeping them apart until, at the last, minute they end up together! It's sooo good! It's also good that it's 4 hours long or I'd be watching it everyday :) *you can judge me if you like, I deserve it!

2. Hot British men with deep baritone voices...I don't think this needs any explaining!

3. Danskin capris. I bought a pair at Wal-Mart in Iowa and LOVED them. I bought 2 more pair in Michigan...they're even cheaper here! They are comfy and cozy and are great for working out and lounging. The best part, they come in amazing colors so I'm not stuck with just black and grey!

4. Trim and Terrific Cookbook by Holly Klegg. Jessica bought this for me and it's amazing. There are so many excellent recipes that are as nutritious as they are tasty! Not to mention, nutrition information is listed for all of the recipes in the book...bonus!

5. Tax refunds! Let me tell you, the only good thing about paying student loans is what it does to my tax return!

6. Having weight loss buddies. I have a few co-workers who are walking with me to the parking lot after work and Jessica has started using and it's been really great being accountable to people. I am so much better if I know people are depending on me to show up or if they are holding me accountable.

Anyway, that's what I've got for right now. I am going to post a few recipes that I've tried recently and really enjoyed. I hope you ladies are having a good week so far and that you're getting a chance to enjoy some of this great weather!


gavsmom said...

I think about blogging all the time but you said it well in your entry...thanks to my hectic days it's hard to just sit and do it. I try at work sometimes but constantly get interrupted.

I love Netflix too. I haven't utilized our account much since I know I can't just sit and watch a movie very often. On a separate but sort of related note...have you seen any of the "Water for Elephants" previews? I don't know if that was discussed yet but I'm excited to see it.

Is Stuart Townsend British? Or is he from South Africa? I enjoy his voice very much.

I am going to check out those Danskin capris at Walmart. I need athletic wear for the summer camp this summer. I've gotten a lot of khaki capris and shorts too. I'm going to sweat my ass off regardless since it's the Forker Building. Temperature control hasn't improved since you left.

You gave me a great reminder to get my act together for the Loseit site. I have good intentions I swear.

Nicole said...

I have seen the previews for 'Water for Elephants' and I really want to see it. I've never read the book but I thought I'd check it out. Too bad everybody else had the same idea. There is a very long wait for it at th library.

Stuart Townsend has a delightful voice and accent. I'm not sure where he's from.

LeAnn said...

I have the opposite problem. I usually have plenty to say, but not enough time to do and/or not enough memory to remember what I wanted to blog about. We do what we can.

I haven't had Netflix since Jason left. I don't haev enough time for it anyway, but I did like the convenience it offered. There are some good British men out there. Agreed. I need some new workout capris. I'll try to stop at Wal-Mart on my trip home next weekend. I look forward to having an even better tax return next year due to my repayment of student loans. I have a couple people who occasionally will join me for work-outs (walking, going to the wellness center, etc.).

Well, hopefully, I'll get a blog in tonight or tomorrow. It's long overdue. Thanks for the continuation of recipes!