Friday, April 8, 2011

Emotional Eating Triggered!

Hey Ladies:

For once I can say it's not my job causing extremely stress but my personal life gave me a nice dose of emotional craziness this week. (Things have calmed down FYI)

I had my first big "issue" with Jon. I'm not calling it an argument because we didn't really fight but our discussion was pretty painful for me to take part in. I chose to leave before it did become a big fight and I had my first "emotional eating" trigger in awhile. All the way back to Ames I kept thinking "I want to eat this", "I want to eat that" but fortunately I stayed in control when I got home. It helped that we didn't have much of anything on hand since a grocery trip is needed.

In regards to my relationship issues, I'm still thinking a lot because I'm very defensive about my parenting practices and Gavin. It was hard to hear all of Jon's concerns all at once and wish he would have said something months ago. I spoke with him last night in person and things weren't as tense but our dynamic has certainly changed a bit. I had a Women's Ministry meeting prior to seeing him and that gathering really helped me process my feelings and calm down a bit .

As you both know, I was on the news this week and despite all the compliments I was really unhappy with how I looked on TV. It's given me another kick in the butt to slim down some more. I would like to thin my jawline and face and hopefully that will naturally happen over time as I lose weight in a slow and sustained fashion.

Back to work...plenty of grading to complete!


Nicole said...

I'm so sorry that you and Jon are having realationship stress. I can't imagine that that's much fun. I hope that things are being worked out. I don't know what your arguement was about but I do know that you are a wonderful and caring mother and at the end of the day that's all that matters.

I'm sorry that you had a stress eating situation. It's the one good thing about needing groceries...not a lot to binge on!

You looked lovely on your news clip but I can understand wanting to slim down in the face. Every time I see a picture of myself I think the same thing.

Good luck grading!!

LeAnn said...

First, I am so mad, because that same thing happened to me where I had a comment all typed, but then it didn't save so I am starting over. POS!

When I found out about what your silent argument was about, I too became defensive. I'll admit that I am biased, but compared to other kids, Gavin is normal if not better than normal in terms of behavior. It's good that this came out now, especially before living together.

I can also totally understand about the video stuff. By the way, I think the KCCI people cut you off too much, more from you was needed. Going back, I absolutely hate my face/double-chin. It's tied with my stomach as being the most hated parts of my body. If I had the money, I would lipsuction or face-life it away. I was on TV here at school for a special thing they do every Friday. I couldn't believe how bad I looked. Why can't I be one of those bigger women whose face looks skinny or at least normal like?

I hope to catch up on some commenting today, so you'll probably get another comment from me.