Thursday, April 28, 2011

BBQ and Bloodwork

Hey all:

--Once again (like a broken record), I'm unhappy that it took this long to blog again.

--The ISU Weightloss study is over for the most part. They will meet with me briefly in 4 months to check to see if I'm still making progress on my own. My last meeting sucked. They drew blood last week to see if my lipid profile had improved. My results were shocking. My overall cholesterol went from 183 to 202! My glucose went from 88 to 105. First I was accused of not fasting the night before (which was insulting). They are quite confused considering I lost circumference around my waist and lost weight throughout the study. Hell, I've been eating a lot of oatmeal too! I'm making an appointment to have the bloodwork redone with my doctor. The end of the study let the air out of my sails, so to speak.

--I attended our department's spring BBQ deal tonight with Gavin and Jon. It's the first time I've ever brought a significant other to a work thing. The martial arts study (Master Pak) made his famous Korean BBQ for everyone. Apparently I chose the wrong meat out of the wrong pan because holy cow it was spicy. Delicious but spicy. I'm grateful I didn't get heartburn. I always feel a little odd at work functions. It sucks that people are somewhat cliquey. I won't need to think about again until the fall when we have our hog roast.

--Asparagus! I made asparagus on the grill for the first time. I didn't grill them directly on the grill but used a sheet of aluminum foil. I marinated them in olive oil and seasoned salt for a few hours and poured it all on the aluminum foil to cook while the meat was grilled. It was pretty tasty. Thanks to my cousin Scott, I may get more asparagus for free.

--I read "Girl, Interrupted" and wasn't horribly impressed. It was really disconnected from chapter to chapter. But you were right LeAnn, it was a quick read. I'm now into the sixth book in my Dark Tower series.

--I had quite the episode last night. I woke up at 4am and found myself standing in the middle of my room. I remember yelling and I think that's what jarred me awake. During my sleep, I really made a mess in my room. I knocked things off my dresser, knocked my bike over, and knocked everything off my bed side table. Not to mention I ripped everything off my bed. When I woke up, I was in the process of throwing my comforter at my bookshelf. Yea....I'm really weirded out.

--I've been swamped with summer camp prep and grading. Both tasks will take a lot of my time this weekend too. Good news is that I already signed my contract for next worrying about it through the summer :)

Hope everyone is well!


project.100.gone said...

Once again, I had a nice long comment and ate BLOGGER!!

Anywho, I think this was the genreal idea:

A visit to your doctor is probably in order just to make sure everything is OK. I can't believe they accued you of not fasting. Don't they know you were a grad student and understand the importance of following study protocol??

I tend to shy away from asparagus. I didn't like it as a child/teen and haven't had it as an adult for that reason. Maybe I should try it again...after all, 'tis the season.

Yay for BBQ and contracts being signed, both are wonderful :-)

Wow, have you ever had any sleep walking episodes before? I'm really glad you didn't get hurt during this because it sounds like that was a possibility.

Sorry I've been a bad messanger friend lately. I haven't really been spending time at my computer...too absorbed in other stuff at the moment. I'll try and rectify that situation ASAP, I miss you :-(

LeAnn said...

It doesn't seem like it's been that long since you blogged, but if you say so. Your bloodwork results do sound weird. Hopefully, you'll get more accurate and better information from the doctor. I wouldn't let the study take the air out of your sails. I didn't think the study had put much air into your sails to begin with.

BBQ sounds good right now and I shouldn't even be hungry. I always get a bit nervy about work-related gatherings. I want to go, but I don't want it to be awkward or what-have-you. Luckily, so good, so far. Asparagus sounds good too. I have bought some here and there from the store. Me likey.

I felt very similar about "Girl Interrupted." Movie was better. I'm actually surprised that they made a movie based on the book, but the book wasn't that fabulous. Oh well. Your episode sounds scary. What if Jon had been there? Did Gavin hear you? Craziness. I can't say I have experienced anything that nutty. Hopefully, it doesn't happen again. You must have been having quite the dream or nightmare.

I understand being swamped. I am a regular swamp monster right now. Lol! Later! P.S. If I have made any spelling or grammars errors, so be it. I am too busy to proofread.