Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ames Update

Hey Ladies:

I am sick of rain and snow. Just wanted to lay that out there. Fortunately the snow doesn't accumulate here but other parts of Iowa may get 8 or so inches! I really don't have the ambition to walk my bike to the bike shop when it's raining and 35 degrees.

This is the last week for my weight loss study at ISU. I had my last session with my health coach on Friday. Still not horribly impressed with the process but I did lose weight. I have to go back in on Thursday morning and get blood drawn and my anthropometric measurements taken. I'm excited to do things on my own I guess. Jon doesn't want his exercise ball anymore so I took it back so I want to do some core work with that. He's been going to Anytime Fitness at least three days a week and he's starting to slim down. His ultimate goal was to strengthen his quads and knee but I knew he'd see other healthy results too. Like you Nicole, he impresses me by still working in a workout despite having busy days.

I'm going to say this....Nicole you've been quite the inspiration this year for me. You've proven that a person can still stay on a healthy track despite stress, work, and unfortunate circumstances. We are all aware that I like to emotionally eat whether it's positive emotions or negative ones. You've had significant loss in your life. You live in a different state. Yet you continue to provide great examples of self-control and moderation. It's uplifting and motivating to see your success. :)

I have been able to read for pleasure lately and am happy to report that I finally finished the 5th book in the Stephen King "Dark Tower" series last night. I started it during Spring Break (on my flight back to Iowa). It was lengthy so I had to renew it once at the library. I already checked out the sixth book and can't wait to dive in. Stephen has sucked me in...well done Mr. King, well done. I finally found another book I've wanted to read for more than a year. LeAnn mentioned it awhile ago, "Girl, Interrupted". I've tried to get it from the library several times. The online catalog would say it was not checked out but it was never on the shelf. It was a nice surprise to see it there today. I haven't read a non-fiction novel in awhile. I still have a book to read that Nicole lent to me. It's on my list of things to read too.

I have to make a mention about bras. I had intentions to buy some at Lane Bryant but never did. I didn't care for the styles they had in my size. They made me too busty. I found some at Kohl's though. It's amazing how great a good bra feels. They were a little more pricey than I like but that's because I'm used to buying bras at Walmart. The kind of bras that fall apart more quickly than they should. Hopefully my new ones last longer.

My back is better too (knock on wood). Once in awhile I'll get a twinge of pain but it's rare. I'm glad I was able to bounce back quickly. It did cost a lot since I had a massage therapist and chiropractor work on my back though.

I got the balls to talk to one of the most intimidating fitness people I know. You remember Deb Nicole? I approached her last week and asked if Ames Racquet and Fitness offered classes specialized for overweight populations. She seemed surprised and unfortunately let me know that they don't. We talked for a bit though and she seems more interested to provide a class or program for the overweight/obese population. Even better...she wants my input about it so the program is appropriate and designed correctly. I would love to participate in a class designed for people carrying extra weight. I don't want to do a class designed for normal weight and/or fit individuals because my chance of injury, burnout, etc. will skyrocket.

Gavin gets his braces next month on May 23. I'm still trying to figure out the financial side of that endeavor. Braces are way too expensive. We found out today that he doesn't need glasses (whew!). I was very happy to hear he has 20/20 vision.

Swim & Gym ended last week which makes me sad but also is a relief. It will be nice to have more time to work in my office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. It will help me catch up with work on the summer camp. I had another employee "quit" today. He didn't have a contact yet so it's not really quitting but the loss of him actually helps my budget. It doesn't really put me in dire straights either. I don't want other students/employees quitting though.

I think that's all I know right now. Have a good one!


project.100.gone said...

First, I hear ya. I don't think it's fair to have shorts and t-shirt weather and then have to pull out the winter coats again. Boo snow!

Yay for Gavin having 20/20 vision, especially considering you are paying for braces right now. It's nice to not have the extra expense.

I love that you talked to Deb and that she's interested in creating a class for the overweight population. I think fitness centers need to realize that they need to start catering to special populations a little more, especially the obese group. They need the classes more than already thin and healthy people and you're right. Taking a class for 'healthy and well' people is not always a good, safe or efficacious idea for this group. I have recently been thinking that I would love to open a center that focuses specifically on this and the beginner population. I think the need is real.

Thank you for saying that I am an inspiration/motivation to you. I was reading an article in Fitness Magazine and a woman was complaining that she had a friend who was having success in her weight loss attempt and she annoyed her friends, who weren't having as much, every time she mentioned it. After reading that column I've been nervous to talk about some of my success because I don't A) want to be annoying, B) want to make it seem like I'm rubbing my weight loss in your face. I hope that I can contiune to inspire and I know that when the time is right you'll find the motivation to get on the same path.

I'm happy to hear that your back is feeling better and that you have a little bit more time now that Swim and Gym is over. I hope you can take a bit of that time for yourself.

Good luck with everything!

LeAnn said...

I am sick of wetness that snow and rain cause. It's not good for my shoes. I hate how easily guys slim down or tone so easily. They make seem easy when it's not. I suppose it's good though that Jon is have double benefits - strengthening his leg and losing weight. I am impressed and jealous of the juggling of the schedule to include workouts. With my schedule and how exhausted I feel every day, I just don't see how I am suppose to run miles.

I concur with your comments about Nicole. I'm glad you like the Stephen King - The Dark Tower series. I read the first and didn't go any farther. Maybe I should try again sometime. Girl Interrupted was a quick read, so I'm sure you'll have that done in no time.

I hate buy bras, because they're usually so expensive and I never know how comfortable they will be. I am not a fan of trying bras on - it's just weird. I like Kohls for bras most of the time.

You may have started a new trend - classes for the overweight. I think I might take a class (yoga) that starts right away in May. The play will be over, so I will have the time. It's every Monday or something like that. A friend of mine is signing up too, so we can go together. I need to look into that before it's too late.

I feel so bad about Gavin getting braces. I'm sure it'll suck like it does for all students. I think it was 6th grade that I got mine. I just feel bad for the guy - braces and acne. You're right at least there are no glasses to make matters worse.

Alrighty, time to get back to work. Thanks for the "Ames Update."