Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wrap up...

Happy Tuesday...are we enjoying this snow yet?!?! I'm really not looking forward to my drive home tonight, not one bit. Oh well, tis the season. Anyway, I had to finish my blog yesterday before I got to the one thing I wanted to really talk to you about. However, before I get to that I would like to give you 1 more review.

I like movies this time of year. The weather is crappy and I don't really go out to do much in the snow so I spend a lot of time reading (yes LeAnn I do still love to read I just haven't ready anything new in a while...any suggestions?) and watching movies. I really love Netflix instant view because there is just so much to watch. I've recently completed the made for TV miniseries of The Pillars of the Earth. It was wonderful. Pillars is set in old England around 'The Anarchy.' King Henry I was ruling when his only legitimate son was killed. When Henry I died his nephew claimed himself to be king, along with the churches blessing. The only problem is that Henry 1 wanted his daughter to act as queen until her son, only a baby, was old enough to rule. I liked that it was a fictional story built around a base of true history. The fiction comes in when a cathedral is burned down and the Prior (head monk) and a conveniently located master builder decide to rebuild a grand cathedral in it's place. In the midst of the war there is a great love story that is just really excellent. This story has a little bit of everything and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

So, I've talked to Jenny briefly about this website but I want to share it here too. As I've been focusing on eating healthy and tracking my calories and such I've really been hunting for a good food tracking website. I've been calculating on paper but I wanted something more official. I've used other websites before and I always have the same issues, they're slow, they never have the foods I eat and if you cook with your own recipes they're never accurate. Well, with the help of a co-worker, I finally found a website that I LOVE!!! Loseit.com is amazing! First, it's so fast which is great. Second, if the food you eat isn't in their list they have a really easy way to add it. Most importantly, at least for me, you can enter your own recipes!! All you have to do is add you ingredients to a list and then tell it what portion you ate. It's fantastic.

Another feature of the site that I really like is that it doesn't just tell you what calories you're eating. In the reports section it will tell you what portion of your calories came from fat, carbs and protein. I like this because it's keeps me from over indulging on carbs and jilting myself protein. It also tracks cholesterol, fiber, and sodium. There are things that I don't often follow for myself.

I could keep going on and on about how much I love this site but that seems a bit tedious. If you get a chance play around with it. It's good fun and I think a really great tool for someone who's really looking to accurately track their diet.

OK, I think that's it for now. Have a great night ladies!


project.100.gone said...

Thanks for posting that info...I'm going to check out the website this weekend. It sounds interesting...I've only tried to use MyPyramid.gov and it didn't last very long. Maybe this new site will trip my trigger.

LeAnn said...

I would enjoy the snow a little more if my school would actually have a snow day or delay. They are really stingy with those. I enjoy Netflix too. I can't suggest too many books right now. I am teaching To Kill a Mockingbird and pretty soon I'll also be teaching Train to Pakistan, so that keeps me busy literary-wise. Because I am slightly crazy, I am attempting to read Emma by Jane Austen. I'll let you know how that turns out.

That website does sound super helpful. Does it seem accurate to you? That's what I worry with those types of things as well as exercise machines. Is the data they give trustworthy and accurate? I'll have to check it out of these days.

Thanks for the share. You guys are getting good at blogging. I'm lacking, of course.

Nicole said...

From what I know and look up it seems to be fairly accurate. Some of the foods are slightly over and some slightly under what I've always found when searching on my own so I figure it's a wash in the end. I've also been adding in a lot of my own food so I know for sure that they're exactly right. But that's the great thing, you can't add foods on other sites so this is a really big advantage.

I absolutely adore To Kill a Mockingbird, it's one of my favoiite books. Maybe I'll reread that!

Nicole said...

Oh yeah, Jenny...I HATE MyPyramid! It's is so slow and the few times I used it for class assignments it made me so mad.

Also, I don't know if I told you but I bought a digital food scale with my giftcard to Wal-Mart...I LOVE it!