Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No bake cookies and green soup!

Wow, I can't believe it's already Wednesday. This week is going by at a very quick pace. I feel like it was just Monday morning. I've had a rather boring week so far. The weather has been blah, none of the shows I watch have been airing new episodes, the book I'm trying to read won't grab my attention and there's just not a lot going on. While it's been a somewhat meh week, things are looking up. First, one of our families brought in a butt load of cookies today. They made chocolate no bake cookies and they were excellent! Also, I got the new book I ordered from Amazon last week and I read the first few pages and I think it's going to be a good read. Finally, my first of two new recipes that I'm trying this week turned out really well. It's really ugly but quite tasty!

I get periodic e-mails from several different recipe websites and last week I got my monthly spam from which featured healthy and hearty recipes. I decided that two of them sounded good. Last night I made the broccoli, cannellini bean and cheddar soup. Not only is is extremely healthy and green but I got to use my new immersion fun! I just hope that the Japanese chicken-scallion and rice bowl turns out as well.

I don't really have anything fun to share. I did get a new phone over the weekend. I'm not into the smart phones, I couldn't afford one even if I wanted to be into them, but it does have the full keyboard which will make my texting more enjoyable. I don't text a lot but I do enough of it to make the combined keys of a standard phone a pain. Anywho, there's my big I need to get a life. I hope that you're all doing well and having a great week.


LeAnn said...

You are the Martha Stewart or Julia Child of the blog world. Both recipes sound interesting. Question(s) for you though, scallions - what are they, are they good, should I be worried? Being that I am still low on time in the kitchen, I will have to show the recipes to Jason to see if he's in the mood to be creative.

New phones are fun. I have been interested in getting a Blackberry, but I haven't had the money for it, so yea. I loved my last phone. I currently hate my phone, and I am stuck with it for another year and a half. Suck! It has been a blah week, but I haven't felt top notch either. If I could, I would have taken the whole week off for sickness. Today was tempting as I woke up with a headache. But, I'm here, at school, working. Yuck. Tomorrow being Friday, helps. I was wondering if there is a new Grey's Anatomy episode tonight, probably not. However, we got Salt in the mail (Netflix), so we might just watch that.

I hope your book turns out well. The book I am teaching for college prep has had some really good results. It's pretty fun to teach. Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks for the share.

Nicole said...

Scallion are not scary, expensive or hard to find. They're just the green tops of white onions. You know, the little white bulby onion with the long green tops. My grandparents used to put them on relish trays and dip the onion in salt. Although they never ate the scallion, just the onion. To answer your question of are they good, it depends on whether you like onion or not. The darker green portion is very mild, as you get closer to the onion it gets more of an oniony flavor. I tend to like them a lot and they add a lot to this dish which is quite sweet.

Sorry that you have so long on your contract with a crappy phone. Maybe you should accidently drop it in the toilet or something!

I don't think Grey's is new tonight...I feel like shows have been one their winter re-run schedule for far too long this year. However, I hear Salt is really good so you should enjoy it.

What book are you teaching in your college prep course? You may have mentioned it in a blog but I can't remember.

project.100.gone said...

This blog reminded me that I didn't make my no bake cookies over the holidays. I need to whip up some chocolate-oatmeal ones at some point. They'll probably be a Valentines treat.

I used to get scallions and scallops mixed up. Seeing either one on a menu made me nervous because I couldn't remember which one was seafood. I don't care for scallops.

Nicole said...

I don't like scallops either. I tend to confuse scallions and shallots, the little purple onion things.