Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I have a zillion things I could be doing right now but I've decided to take some time over my lunch break and blog. We had a 2 hour late start in Ames today so it was nice to spend some extra time at home this morning with Gavin. We didn't do anything constructive but made some breakfast (holy cow he eats a lot of food) and I hung out and checked email. I probably could have cranked out some work for ISU or DMACC but decided to have a low key morning. Not sure I was focused enough to do any quality work anyway.

I laid down last night before 10pm and I was asleep before 10pm! I cannot remember the last time I was in bed and sleeping before 10pm. My usual bed time is between 11pm-12am. I woke up on my own too....at 5:15am. Luckily I was able to fall back asleep until 7am.

I went to bed earlier so I could finish my book "Eat, Pray, Love". I've been reading it since December and now own it (thanks to Jon's dog trying to eat it). I did like it for the most part but I wasn't wowed by it. I appreciate that it's based on a true story and I admire the author's strength throughout the story. I'm not big on meditation though so some of the content didn't trip my trigger so I had a hard time sticking with the book.

Yesterday was quite stressful. I still feel a little unsettled from it. Jon had another doctor appointment with the physician's assistant associated with his surgery. In my opinion (and the physical therapist's) Jon has made great strides at physical therapy and is gaining flexion in his knee every time he goes to an appointment). We both went into the examination room thinking the doc would be pleased. The doctor immediately manipulated his knee and asked him to do some motions. I could tell the doc wasn't happy at all. Apparently he expected Jon to be able to sit on the edge of the exam table and bend his knee to 90 degrees without assistance and without a warm-up. I was personally shocked by this. I looked at the PT paperwork last month...nothing was said about reaching 90 degrees by the next appointment. The physical therapist was not aware of this goal either. Fact of the matter is that Jon's surgeon wants to schedule another surgery in February to break up scar tissue and physically manipulate the knee in all directions while Jon is under complete anesthesia. Jon's not happy....neither am I.

We got a conflicting opinion from the physical therapist too. He thinks Jon is ahead of schedule with recovery and says there is not a build-up of scar tissue. I wish we could go to another surgeon and get a second-opinion but Worker's Compensation dictates where he can go for medical treatment. Hopefully he talks to his case worker and lets him know he's worried that the surgeon wants to operate again and may not need to. We have a month to work on the flexion and get it to 90 degrees and make the doc happy.

I've been trying to help out and get Jon to appointments when possible. I found out today that his parents are keeping his Jeep at their place so it sounds like they want to handle all the appointments. I had made some plans for this week and next though...blah. Not sure why I'm so pissed about it but I'll just roll with it. Maybe I can swipe it from their place and still help from time to time...especially on Wednesdays. I wanted to be able to transport Jon to and from PT so I could assure he was home by 5:30pm so I could get to DMACC and teach by 6pm. He was going to hang out with Gavin since I work at the Ankeny location until 8pm. Eh, enough of that...just writing about it is making me angry and it really shouldn't be. I do know I'm being kind of assholeish about it. (Yes I just made up a word) I am grateful they can help but I get so irritated when my help is turned away.

I fully support your goal to move back to Iowa Nicole! You need to find a job near central Iowa so I can vent to you when I'm frustrated! Same goes for Tiffany! I'm sure I'll vent to my sister tonight too.

That's enough for now...time to calm down and supervise some teaching assistants. Adios!


Nicole said...

Let it out Jenny! Venting is good. I'll try my best to positioned in a good location when I move back to Iowa.

I'm glad you got some good sleep. I love waking up on my own, it's such a nice feeling to know that I'm getting up because my body is like, OK...that's enough sleep. I'm also glad that you were able to take some personal time this morning with Gavin. I would love a good snow delay sometimes!

Boo to all of the stuff with Jon. I hope they get this stuff worked out. I'll keep praying!

I have no desire to read Eat, Pray, Love. I don't know why why but everytime I think of this book I want to scratch my eyeballs out. It's totally unjustified but for some reason it makes me react that way.

LeAnn said...

I read your blog yesterday, but I was waiting to see if we would talk online or not last night. Clearly, we didn't. I ended up going to bed rather early, hoping it would help me feel rested and energized - so for, not helping.

Anyway, I'm definitely jealous of the snow delay. We haven't had any since before break. It really helps the mood if we have snow days or delays. I'll be patient, I guess.

I thought "Eat, Pray, Love" was heavy in the meditation and God stuff too. I persevered though. I liked the book, mostly Bali. I'm surprised by Nicole's anti-"Eat, Pray, Love" attitude. That's how I felt about Twilight for a long time. Then, I bit the bullet and it turned out fine, so hopefully Nicole bites the bullet too.

I would be wary of the whole surgery or no surgery situation. From what you've shared, I thought Jon's progress was normal or above-normal, so I was surprised. It sucks when we are at the mercy at the doctors, surgeons, dentists, etc. Jon's not in a position to get a second opinion, but even if he was, it would probably be pricey. I hope he has a good, healthy month to prove that surgeon wrong.

Ok, I need to guzzle this coffee, so that I appear awake to my students. I'll probably blog about it, but I just don't feel rested . . . ever. No matter how much or little sleep I get. Grrrrrr . . .

P.S. In my dream last night, Maggie DeWalle was the mother of the Olson Twins (Mary-Kate and Ashley). And, I played with them as kids. Weird.