Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolutions and stuff...

This time of year is always an exciting time. A new year means a clean slate and an opportunity to make major changes in ones life. I don't know exactly why it's harder to make changes at other times in the year but it really is. I always love and dread making new years resolutions. I love the chance to prove that I can set a goal and stick with it. I love how I feel renewed and completely motivated to reach my new goal. I hate how I always make the same resolutions and that they always focus on weight loss. I hate how I never accomplish what I set out to do. So, this year I've decided that things are going to be different.

First, like Jenny, I decided before the first of the year that my goal was not going to be about losing weight. I was reading an article in the newspaper and apparently the most commonly made and broken resolution is to lose weight and get fit. I am not going to fall into this category this year. Prior to New Years I was on a good path to losing weight and improving my health. I did a bit of backsliding over the holidays, which I knew would happen, but life is back to normal and I'm getting back on track. If you listen to the 'experts' they say that it takes anywhere from 21 days to 3 months to form a habit. I've definitely been doing my thing for that long so I don't think I need to stress about making major resolutions where diet and exercise are concerned. I've never felt so free when it comes time to making resolutions so this year I had to think hard about what I wanted. I came up with many but here are my goals that made the final cut:

1. Stop using my dishwasher for everyday dishes. I tend to just load the dishawasher and run it once a week. Instead I will do my dishes by hand each night.

2. I need to be more organized and clean at home. I need to make a chore chart and stick to it.

3. Find a new job that is closer to home...this is more of a new years wish than a resolution but it's still worth throwing out there.

4. Try new recipes. I love to cook and I tend to cook really well, however I tend to get stuck in the same food ruts. I eat a lot of the same stuff over and over. I bought a new vegetarian cookbook that has some really intriguing dishes. I just want more variety!


project.100.gone said...

In the textbook I use for my DMACC class, they state that a sustained behavior change is considered to be in "maintainence" when you reach the 6 month mark....which helps me understand why it's so difficult to stick to habit changes.

I do like your 3rd resolution. It would be amazing if you were closer to Iowa. :)

I hope you continue to post new recipes as you try more and more throughout the year. I also end up making the same things over and over and hope to become more creative in the chicken.

Nicole said...

More creative in the chicken or kitchen? either way I'm game :)

LeAnn said...

I like your resolutions too. I have to agree with Jenny about liking your resolution to finding a job closer to home the most. Your second one got me thinking. I am typically really organized and neat, but because of the busy schedule I have, I have been lacking. It does bother me until it's fixed. It's a way for me to get rid of stress and feeling good about where I live and/or work. I guess that's what weekends are for, but I hope to be better about it, so there is less to do on the weekend. Thanks for the share.

P.S. I like Jenny's chicken/kitchen line too. It made me chuckle. She apparently wants to get creative in the chicken; sounds gooey or moist. I hope she knows what she's in for. LOL!

Nicole said...

you made me laugh LeAnn!