Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Day of Rest

Hey Ladies:

I've had all kinds of good blog topic ideas in my head this weekend and I hope I can pull most of them out tonight...sadly I think I'll forgot a few.

As you may recall, my only resoultion is to not bring work home with me. I know I'll infringe on this new rule of mine but I sincerely believe it will help me take necessary time for myself to just rest, read, take time for cooking, and schedule workouts in my life. I want other improvements and advantages to stem from that resolution.

The topic at church today made me like my choice of a resolution too. Before Christmas, the pastor started a set of sermons about each of the 10 Commandments. Today we resumed that, and went over #4 Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. It was a 45 minute sermon so I'll sum it up. God needed a rest after he created the earth and we must recognize that we need a rest each week too. The pastor suggested that Sunday does seem to work best for many people but if that's not possible....another day of the week should be used so a person stays energized and focused on what is important in life. It gave me more inspiration to stick to my resolution :)

On a different note, my chiropractor suggested months ago that I start drinking pure cherry juice each day to help with my joint pain. Cherry juice has anthocyanins which are nature compounds that reduce inflammation. I had kept it on the back burner because of the price. The 1 quart I bought cost $20. Fortunately I only use 1-2 tablespoons a day so it will last awhile. I simply mix it in with a glass of juice. Hopefully it works.

Jon is making good progress and reached 50 degrees of bend on Friday. He's been walking around without crutches (but still wears the brace). He has another doctor's appointment tomorrow so hopefully the doc has good things to say.

ISU starts tomorrow so I'm sure I'll have things to blog about later in the week. Have a good one!


project.100.gone said...

Wow...I thought the sermons were long at my church! I think that the 4th Commandment is a really important one and I think a lot of people overlook it. Back in the day people did nothing on the Sabbath, they didn't even cook or bathe. While I don't think that this is feasible today these people were onto something. I really hope that you're able to dedicate sometime to yourself. Have you tried scheduling personal time in your planner? I know it's hard when there is so much other stuff going on but you should do this and then make yourself stick to it. Taking time for your health, both physical and mental, is just as important as anything else you will do in a day.

I've heard about the cherry juice thing. I hope that it helps. I'm glad to hear that Jon is progressing with his therapy!

Hope your week back to school goes well.

LeAnn said...

You do mother proud by being a church goer. I don't know if or when I'll hop back on that train. The day of rest for me usually ends up being Saturday. Personally, I feel too guilty if I spend a whole day resting. It would be awesome, but time is precious, so I usually have to do something productive. I would prefer Sunday as my day of rest, but for some reason my body and mind are worthless on Saturdays, so barely anything gets done.

What's this about Jon needing another surgery? Isn't it quite early for no crutches?

I dislike cherries, so thinking of cherry juice is not pleasing. Good luck with cherry juice. Would eating cherries do the trick?